Black providers look white in their ads.

Have you noticed?
Treetop78759's Avatar
That might be considered racist by the local mods.

I got points deducted and I wasn't racist which got me thinking.

Perhaps the KC mods feel threatened by me because I know people in high places. They prob think I will take their job.
Why do I get the feeling "RaisedKC" has a Texas accent.
RyanFromTER's Avatar
Have you noticed? Originally Posted by RaisedKC
Examples please?
Not sure why it matters...if you are attracted to their looks....they have good reviews and offer a menu you like...go for it!
WhiteGentleman's Avatar
And I look smart in my pics. Well, some of them.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Do you know why there are not many females that provide, males that hobby and few female hobbiest that will see the ones that do hobby?
JRLawrence's Avatar
Have you noticed? Originally Posted by RaisedKC
Yes, I have noticed that years ago.

If in doubt:
Drag the picture in question to a desk top.
Open the picture and select an application that you can use to modify the picture.
Change the brightness, contrast, or color settings until the picture is clearer

If you think that the picture has not been presented properly, just put her on your no see list.

This same procedure can be used to clear the face pictures when they are blurred.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-13-2017, 05:16 PM
Do you know why there are not many females that provide, males that hobby and few female hobbiest that will see the ones that do hobby? Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Would someone care to translate this into and English statement that makes sense?
Treetop78759's Avatar
It makes sense but what also makes sense is that KC is too shallow and won't answer.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
TT is incoherent cause he was Treetopped
Treetop78759's Avatar
I got a deal Carpenter.

I don't know jack crap about carpentry but I admire the skill. It's becoming a lost trade.

If you will please teach me how to be a carpenter I will teach you how to pick up pussy and not be a nerd.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Ignoring that carpenter's destroy trees,
I don't have time to teach newbies.
Besides I prefer to pick up women.

You know how to pick up pussy? Really?
AllThisMeat's Avatar
They do? I never noticed.
Sarah Renee's Avatar
I got a deal Carpenter.

I don't know jack crap about carpentry but I admire the skill. It's becoming a lost trade.

If you will please teach me how to be a carpenter I will teach you how to pick up pussy and not be a nerd. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
I can guarantee UC doesn't need you to teach him anything. He doesn't spend all his time TROLLING the boards. He actually gets his wet with an actual live AND WILLING woman. Even if he does lose a tap out from time to time. (Rudolph the red nose reindeer...cheater cheater...that's why you couldn't beat her...)