The many hateful trans threads this Easter weekend

winn dixie's Avatar
In my years on eccie. I've never seen the pure hate that these threads represent. Turns my stomach. I'm actually holding my tongue.
The faux outrage over a date that has been on the books for a while now . This year it happens to fall on Easter.
So what. Biden supported the holiday. So what.
Biden is not bashing Christians. Christians know of tolerance and understanding. Compassion for others. Intolerance is hateful and spiteful. Looking at this with an open mind. This transgender day coinciding with Easter this year is a good thing symbolically. Both holidays at their core are about judgement tolerance and love for one another.

Iam truly saddened by the hate used in gods name by these threads.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Tucking for example

Supra's Avatar
  • Supra
  • 03-31-2024, 11:29 AM
In my years on eccie. I've never seen the pure hate that these threads represent. Turns my stomach. I'm actually holding my tongue.
The faux outrage over a date that has been on the books for a while now . This year it happens to fall on Easter.
So what. Biden supported the holiday. So what.
Biden is not bashing Christians. Christians know of tolerance and understanding. Compassion for others. Intolerance is hateful and spiteful. Looking at this with an open mind. This transgender day coinciding with Easter this year is a good thing symbolically. Both holidays at their core are about judgement tolerance and love for one another.

Iam truly saddened by the hate used in gods name by these threads. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Try this:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God and Savior of the world. I believe that you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I believe that through your sacrifice, I am a new person. Forgive me for my sin and fill me with your Spirit.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Pope Francis Calls for the Inclusion of Trans People in Catholic Church Practices

The Vatican has announced sweeping new policies welcoming transgender people in the church’s sacramental life, further reflecting Pope Francis’ pastoral focus on LGBTQ people.

In October, Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández signed a statement, with the approval of Pope Francis, affirming that transgender people can be baptized, become official godparents, and act as a witness for weddings in the Catholic faith. That statement was made public this week, by the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and can be found here. In the last year alone, the Pope has taken many steps towards the inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in opposition to the Catholic community of the U.S which has continually rejected such progression.

The US catholic community needs to get with the times.
Any “religion” that is willing to change its tenets to satisfy the whelms of the moment is not a religion, it’s a social club.

If there is a God almighty, I am pretty sure it gets a good laugh at mankind’s never ending attempt to create it into their own image.

I wonder what the intelligent Beings on one of the other billions of inhabitable Planets throughout the vast Universe are celebrating today?
But then, many of those might still be in the Pre-Cambrian period of Planet evolution.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So this is an interesting thread.

Are MAGA trolls transitioning to religious zealots for Easter?

I’d like a copy of the Almighty’s image … the un-Photoshopped version please. We can then see whose image God was created in.

Hate and hypocrisy are not Christian values, as best I know.
  • Tiny
  • 03-31-2024, 01:58 PM
OK, I'm guilty of making the occasional politically-incorrect comment about trans people. However, I'd like to know exactly where transgender people are condemned in the Bible. Or for that matter where abortion is addressed.

Transgender people on average suffer from higher rates of suicide and depression than others, and a good part of the reason is nonacceptance by society. God made us all. We should be able to get along.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I’d like a copy of the Almighty’s image …God made us all. We should be able to get along. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I recall Salman Rushdi ran afoul of that at one time. I think he was jacking with us with that whole free will thing...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're getting your anti-Muslim milestones mixed up.
The Catholic “religion” Isn’t worth a bucket of warm spit.
About all they are good for is selling penance to weak minded people.

My post #5 in this thread sums up all of this bullshit.
OK, I'm guilty of making the occasional politically-incorrect comment about trans people. However, I'd like to know exactly where transgender people are condemned in the Bible. Or for that matter where abortion is addressed.

Transgender people on average suffer from higher rates of suicide and depression than others, and a good part of the reason is nonacceptance by society. God made us all. We should be able to get along. Originally Posted by Tiny
Yes God made all of us. How does God feel about Transgender People? I don't think God would make Man or Women for them to later defy their gender. Transgender, It's simply an illness just like Schizophrenia or any other mental disorder. Transgenders are for the most part functional so it's not recognized as a mental disorder but a "Choice". We don't need a special day to recognize that Transgender exist. There's nothing to celebrate, nothing to embrace. It is what it is.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The bottom line is every day is what you want to make it if you have control of variable factors. I spent the day hanging out with my kids and their mother. We discussed Easter but never once discussed transsexuals. Why? Because the day was about spending family time together on Easter and not about transsexuals to us.

This country has become full of a bunch of miserable whiny bitches who complain about everything and anything. Folks need to enjoy their lives and stop wasting time trying to force their moral judgment on others. I worry about me and mine and I don't give a fuck about what other people do if they are not hurting anyone.

I could not care less about transsexuals having their day. I don't know any, don't want to know any; but the last time I checked, the only harm they do is to themselves so that's none of my damn business and certainly no concern of mine.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Yes God made all of us. How does God feel about Transgender People? I don't think God would make Man or Women for them to later defy their gender. Transgender, It's simply an illness just like Schizophrenia or any other mental disorder. Transgenders are for the most part functional so it's not recognized as a mental disorder but a "Choice". We don't need a special day to recognize that Transgender exist. There's nothing to celebrate, nothing to embrace. It is what it is. Originally Posted by Levianon17
First of all nobody knows how God feels about a specific subject. In my experience people generally use God rather than logic to justify their position.

Secondly if being transgender is a mental disorder why is it so vilified. There is a history of blind people being institutionalized in asylums. During the eugenics movement in america laws were enacted that legalized forced sterilizations and prohibited individuals that had mental or physical defects and couples of mixed-race from marrying. These are things we don’t do anymore and would horrify people if we tried to do them again. Sooner than you think the same will be said about the transgendered.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yes God made all of us. How does God feel about Transgender People? I don't think God would make Man or Women for them to later defy their gender. Transgender, It's simply an illness just like Schizophrenia or any other mental disorder. Transgenders are for the most part functional so it's not recognized as a mental disorder but a "Choice". We don't need a special day to recognize that Transgender exist. There's nothing to celebrate, nothing to embrace. It is what it is. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Gee whizz, man.

I wish the MAGAs would be as concerned about real threats like other “mental illnesses” (ahem…) as they are about gender identity.

Unfortunately you can’t hate them openly.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
My church in Austin, non-denominational, possibly the largest in congregation in the city, supported same sex marriage early on. Most churches accept ALL people without discrimination.

I have a family member who is transgender. Born a male he now wants to be recognized as neither male nor female. I don't claim to understand the whole transgender thing but I do accept this person's choice. I remember growing up in the 50s when being gay was enough to keep people in the closet. Conditions have changed, for the better in my opinion, regarding the acceptance of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. Hopefully someday in the not too distant future, transgender people will be equally accepted.

It is so easy to be a straight white, Christian, male in this country.