Willard vs Big Bird.

markroxny's Avatar
This guy not only tells the moderator of a debate that he is going to take his job away (brilliant), but he also lets millions of families know that he is gunning for Big Bird too. What an idiot. He has become the laughingstock of twitter-ville.

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Iaintliein's Avatar
Finally, I have a reason to consider voting for Romney. I've pledged not to vote for a GOP POTUS candidate until they eliminate funding for Little Provda on the Prairie.
markroxny's Avatar
markroxny's Avatar
markroxny's Avatar
Thanks markassuphumper. You are bringing the libertarians to the right.

Keep up the good work. Lol
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markroxny's Avatar
markroxny's Avatar
Keep up the good work. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Will do.