Latest Gallup Polls on President's Performance

It looks like the majority of Americans aren't buying his line of shit.

The only number he is ahead of the curve on is National Defense, but this poll was taken before Kim ill Shithead in North Korea decided to set off a Nuke. It won't be long untill Iran does the same.

I doubt the President's Speech tonight will change these numbers much, it will be the same old "I'm going to take it from THEM and give it to you" shit that got him elected. The problem is more and more people are finding out they are one of THEM.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-12-2013, 02:36 PM
Gallup, January 25th:

"Americans Favor Proposals in Obama's Plan to Curb Gun Violence"

Gallup February 12th:

Gun Policy Approve 42% Disapprove 54%

I don't think Gallup knows WTF they're doing anymore. Didn't they have Romney up by 7 just before the election?

But keep relying on polls to make you feel better. Because now WE'RE the ones who want a President who doesn't rely on polls. Sound familiar?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Gallup is seriously unreliable. what does Rassmussen say?

both had Romney winning and have a great feel for the public pulse, wouldn't you say?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Wait, I thought Gallup was the accurate polling service.
Gallup = Good / Rasmussen = Bad
Right? Y'all need to take a stand and stick with it.

Or maybe its that none of the polling is worth a shit?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
If this wasn't so funny it would be sad. Obama won because he got folks scared of Romney and never ran on any substance. All the exit polls on the issues of the day proved it. Obama lost on everyone of them but he did win the popularity contest and is now trying to push his 50.4% victory as a mandate.

Good Grief! It does take a rocket scientist to know you can't tax and spend your way into prosperity.It has NEVER worked. It's really sad to see a new generation that has to learn it all over again.

Obama will go down in history as the Great American Disaster.
If this wasn't so funny it would be sad. Obama won because he got folks scared of Romney and never ran on any substance. All the exit polls on the issues of the day proved it. Obama lost on everyone of them but he did win the popularity contest and is now trying to push his 50.4% victory as a mandate.

Good Grief! It does take a rocket scientist to know you can't tax and spend your way into prosperity.It has NEVER worked. It's really sad to see a new generation that has to learn it all over again.

Obama will go down in history as the Great American Disaster. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Great post and avatar...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Great post and avatar... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Stare at the avatar for awhile. You will receive a very important message.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fast Gunn's Avatar
*Sigh* What a hopeless dumb ass you are!

President Obama won the election because the American people decided he was the best choice available - and they were right.

. . . Yes, after staring at your avatar I got the so called "important" message; It says, wait for it, that you're a dumb ass. What? you think we didn't already know that?

If this wasn't so funny it would be sad. Obama won because he got folks scared of Romney and never ran on any substance. All the exit polls on the issues of the day proved it. Obama lost on everyone of them but he did win the popularity contest and is now trying to push his 50.4% victory as a mandate.

Good Grief! It does take a rocket scientist to know you can't tax and spend your way into prosperity.It has NEVER worked. It's really sad to see a new generation that has to learn it all over again.

Obama will go down in history as the Great American Disaster. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rassmussen is bought and paid for by the GOP. Gallup has become consistently unreliable in recent times. I'd put them in the bullshit category now. The poll using flawed sampling methodology, hence they have become the least reliable of all national polls according to analyst Nate Silver; the guy who gets it right.

So don't put too much stock in anything Gallup says.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-13-2013, 08:10 AM
Wait, I thought Gallup was the accurate polling service.
Gallup = Good / Rasmussen = Bad
Right? Y'all need to take a stand and stick with it.

Or maybe its that none of the polling is worth a shit? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Or maybe you're just making it up as you go on what was said.

If this wasn't so funny it would be sad.

Obama will go down in history as the Great American Disaster. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Actually, what i think is funny is the level of hatred for Obama. I can understand not agreeing with everything about him, he's not perfect, nobody is. But the level (not to mention quality) of the opposition expressed in here, if it weren't so pathetic, it'd be truly disgusting.

Pretty much why, with the exception of a stray comment here or there, i don't even bother with you clowns anymore.
cptjohnstone's Avatar

Actually, what i think is funny is the level of hatred for Obama.

Pretty much why, with the exception of a stray comment here or there, i don't even bother with you clowns anymore. Originally Posted by Doove
that is what happens when you have an administration that has not told the truth since day one and is the MOST corrupt administration in history

don't let the door knob hit you in the ass.....
bojulay's Avatar
I thought all Libtards loved getting polled.

ha ha ha ha
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
that is what happens when you have an administration that has not told the truth since day one and is the MOST corrupt administration in history

don't let the door knob hit you in the ass..... Originally Posted by cptjohnstone