Police work at it's finest. Somebody should teach the cops in Tennessee the difference between a buckeye and a weed.

chefnerd's Avatar
Apparently it does not pay to be a fan of Ohio State football if you are in Tennessee as this couple found out. But then again, this is a state that elected Al (I invented the internet) Gore Jr. to the Senate multiple times. Perhaps someone should offer to help out the officers with a little botany education.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Neither the Tennessee Highway Patrol nor the Shelby County sheriff’s office in Memphis had information about the traffic stop.
Of course they don't. Even they realize the idiocy involved here.
A couple of black SUV's could indicate it was a federal DEA type stop. Which just makes the idiocy even worse.
It would appear that there is a need for an UNOBVIOUS wireless personal audio/video recording system, for recording encounters like this. It should record locally (on the wearer's person) and transmit to a secure tamper-resistant (and tamper-witnessing) recorder in the car.

Video with voice of this encounter would be PRICELESS.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-16-2013, 10:24 PM
Fucking idiots, the only other plant that looks like weed is vitex, a small tree with blue to dark purple flower spikes. Fuckers need to take some taxonomy courses.