So sorry for the drama ghetto shayla, March will be the last

So I was thinking that I was just gonna go UTR here starting next month, but thinking about this last few days I think I am just gonna stop providing here in Iowa all together, I might keep 2-3 of my ATFs that I have grown to really like and respect and I might travel to Des Moines once in a great while but that will be about it.

As long as I worked in Austin tx, I have never had any issues like here, Ive never been threatened, or disrespected like here because Iv always been a good provider,Ive never had issues with NCNS on my part, Iv never been called GHETTO ever and I am not about to kiss anyones ass, sorry I am blunt and truthful but thats how I am, I have a voice.

Im sorry to the guys that I have met and all but I am pretty sure my ATFs know who they are. This will be in march that I will not be posting any more ads, or anything else to this board.

GIRLS- If you still need refs I am always available to help you out so pls dont hesitate to text me, which is always the fastest way to get a hold of me for references.

I know that now the girl I am trying to bring in is now scared, which isnt cool, even though I have told her that most the guy on here are cool. I will let her decide what she wants to do but if I start traveling in march most likely she will be coming with me.

This sucks, maybe sooner or later I will decide to come back, until then I hope to have fun and hope you guys find lots of pussy and have fun also!!!!

Good day ya'll
livn2do's Avatar
This is not good news for the local Iowa hobbying community and really pisses me off but I learned along time ago to think it through before I comment so I'll sit on it for a bit. Keep smiling Shayla.
Why aren't you watching the Broncos?
Because they lost !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im spitting fire right now
I hope I'm on that short list.
livn2do's Avatar

*sung to the Nationwide insurance jingle"

Sorry S. At least your team got there.
i think there are too much drama on boards. it needs to be just for small friendly convos and reseach and ads. it gets too much and from a few providers ive met through the years, its enough drama sometimes to want to just say eff it and leave.
I'm really quite disappointed. For someone like me, who has heard nothing but AWESOME things about you, shayla...I was (and still am) looking forward to seeing you. Your friend looks amazing, and I would also love the opportunity to see her.

I haven't been active on the forums very long, but I can see the drama and I don't like it. And, I am really disgusted that any man would ever talk to a woman like that. It's disrespectful, mean, and just wrong.

I jumped into this hobby for a couple of reasons...but I don't like seeing the crap on the forums I've been seeing!
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Why are you letting one or two jerks rent free space in your head??? They are not worth it!!
If you walk away than you have given them exactly what they want. They win.
In fact it may be another provider sending you those emails because you are the competition and they want you gone. Other providers can be very cruel believe me I know from experience.
Don't back down stand your ground and screw them..
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Yes. Do not give them power.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Why are you letting one or two jerks rent free space in your head??? They are not worth it!!
If you walk away than you have given them exactly what they want. They win.
In fact it may be another provider sending you those emails because you are the competition and they want you gone. Other providers can be very cruel believe me I know from experience.
Don't back down stand your ground and screw them.. Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
KelseyBelle's Avatar
Sorry this happened to you shayla, some people dont really know you like I do and dont know how sweet and caring you really are, yes your blunt lol very blunt but I rather have someone be like that then blow smoke up my ass.
Love you shayla
DallasRain's Avatar
I still wanna "do" you.........................ju st keep rocking baby!!!