" A former judge admitted Thursday that he handed out leniency to certain young male defendants in Cross and St. Francis counties in exchange for sexual favors or their agreement to allow him to photograph them bending over to pick up aluminum cans and litter. "
A Federal Judge sentenced Joseph Boeckmann to 5 years after Boeckmann admitted guilt for witness tampering, obstruction of justice and mail fraud. The Federal Judge issued punishment, which was more than the defense had wanted and what the Prosecutor had asked for, based on statements made by two of the victims of judge perv, errr Boeckmann. He will have 3 years of supervised release after his incarceration and pay a $ 50,000 fine. Boeckmann had been facing up to 260 years if convicted of all charges in the 21 count indictment against him.
He had, of course, donated to multiple DUMBASCRAP politicians in Slick Willy's home state of Arkansas.
Mebbe if assup had been able prevent HIS protege woomby from running away with Big Sir and keep woomby operating one of his 'holes in Arkansas, the slimy " judge " wouldn't have all of these problems.
Bet that's how Hovel Builder offers to " resolve " any Code Compliance issues with the Houston-area inspectors. Just bend over in his rainbow colored thong and pick up some of the MODELO beer cans on the hovel site !

And assup prolly regrets not completing Junior college and going on to LIE School now, considering what HE would have tried to get away with ! assup could have run for State Attorney General like HIS hero Slick Willy the perjuring sexual predator !More of the actions of this DUMBASCRAP weasel can be found on the UK Daily mail site.