Why I've Hobbied

I've hobbied off and on for for 35+ years. I've also dated, or been in a longterm relationship, in between times. I could call up several very attractive and financially successful women any time I want and get all that I get in the hobby, but there are ALWAYS strings attached even if none mentioned. Those strings come with hooks, sharp hooks that you don't feel until they are in you.

RW can be a pain in the ass and an increasing investment with diminishing returns. They always want more and more and more as the relationship continues. I've put two women throug at least 50% of college, helped with kid (not mine) expenses and other things. Only one didn't seem that way but then she got religious after she thought her hooks were sunk into me (she got hers within first 5 minutes and was mine for whatever I wanted to do for the rest of the night) and I wouldn't get dunked so it ended. Then there are kid problems with many, especially single with a young son who is almost ALWAYS spoiled rotten. I've only met one son of a woman who wasn't at all and quite level headed.

In the hobby everything is upfront, especially if reviewed, but if not still better than a 50/50 chance as opposed to RW.
I stay in the hobby because it continues to be a source of fun and enjoyment. I have never had a problem maintaining healthy relationships, but between my career and social life here lately hasn't left a lot of time for a committed relationship. One day sure, but it has been really fun narrowing down my sexual bucket list and, to my surprise making some really good friends in the hobby world. I like associating with women who are sexually open and at ease talking about sexuality. That is a rare thing in the civie life. Have been lucky that all my experiences have been good so far and I hope that trend continues. I don't have a problem paying for fun. Sex work is a honest living and those ladies I have seen have made it worth every dime, especially my favorite. So until it stops being fun and fulfilling I'll stick around.
It is an honest way for money, much more honest than most women outside the hobby. Yes, I've made friends in it to, honest female friends.
holmes50's Avatar
Not been in a relationship for two years. I don't hobby when in one. I want to be in relationship, don't need to be in one. Huge difference.

Having said that, as I get to know someone I'd like to date and it comes out with regards to sex she can take it or leave it or she wants to invoke the stupid ass Steve Harvey rule. It's a given I won't see her again. Why would I bring that someone into my life who can't satisfy me sexually or wants to wait 90 days? I feel for you guys who are married and are not satisfied at home. I understand sex is not everything however its a starting point when beginning to date.

Other issues are some absolutely insist on entertaining drama in their life and are very good at it, to women closer to my age have physically let themselves go. The ones who haven't are usually bsc. My home is paid for, so are my vehicles,if she is upside down financially again why would I bring her into my life?

Hobbying works better for me at this time but it would be nice to wake up next to her each morning and have that morning wood taken care of.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Money. Period. Lol
pyramider's Avatar
I am here for the taint. Annie post some taint photos.
el guero's Avatar
For me it's simple. I just love the female body. All shapes colors and sizes..
annie@christophers's Avatar
Well me...the money. And I personally love rainbows...as long as they ain't again dragging moola round. J.s. p.s. pretty is as pretty does..hah..
annie@christophers's Avatar
And no pyramid. Ya Lil freak you. Post them your fucking self..
Not been in a relationship for two years. I don't hobby when in one. I want to be in relationship, don't need to be in one. Huge difference.

Having said that, as I get to know someone I'd like to date and it comes out with regards to sex she can take it or leave it or she wants to invoke the stupid ass Steve Harvey rule. It's a given I won't see her again. Why would I bring that someone into my life who can't satisfy me sexually or wants to wait 90 days? I feel for you guys who are married and are not satisfied at home. I understand sex is not everything however its a starting point when beginning to date.

Other issues are some absolutely insist on entertaining drama in their life and are very good at it, to women closer to my age have physically let themselves go. The ones who haven't are usually bsc. My home is paid for, so are my vehicles,if she is upside down financially again why would I bring her into my life?

Hobbying works better for me at this time but it would be nice to wake up next to her each morning and have that morning wood taken care of. Originally Posted by holmes50
I hear you. Sucks when you are next to it everynight and unavailable except once or twice a week. The older we get those anywhere near our age bring emotional baggage if unattached and available. This is either due their past experience in failed relationships or too flaky to have gotten into anything longterm.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Is not this board. This one is for sure things. Nice pretty fast things. So buck up. Or we shall mass and all have our periods at the same time. Yep. That's the way we roll....lmfprof. xxoo annie
annie@christophers's Avatar
Ok it's to find true love.
pyramider's Avatar
And no pyramid. Ya Lil freak you. Post them your fucking self.. Originally Posted by annie@christophers

My taint photo is in my avatard.