Caitlyn Jenner looking to replace Newsome!!!!

bambino's Avatar
Yeah, who’s surprised? The first Tranny Governor will be elected in California.

Eat your Wheaties!!!!!!!!
Running on the Republican ticket? Really? I'm curious on her positions on several topics
bambino's Avatar
Running on the Republican ticket? Really? I'm curious on her positions on several topics Originally Posted by GastonGlock
In all honesty, “she” can’t be worse than Newsome. At least she’s an honest Tranny. Michelle Obama is still in the closet.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Michelle Obama is still in the closet. Originally Posted by bambino
Every time some dufus makes this claim, I think to does this idiot get by in life??
Running on the Republican ticket? Really? I'm curious on her positions on several topics Originally Posted by GastonGlock
From what I have read, “She” is fairly conservative when it comes to matters that many of us find represent the American way of life.
winn dixie's Avatar
Every time some dufus makes this claim, I think to does this idiot get by in life?? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Sensitive about trans gendered folks?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Perfect for California. And at the least imagine a real reality show about a political race for governor.
But then all candidates would demand equal time, so...
Future political races all turning into reality tv shows???
We're already at pre-scripted political events, so would there be that much difference?
Lapdog's Avatar
Every time some dufus makes this claim, I think to does this idiot get by in life?? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

One faux pas at a time, Denver.
Every time some dufus makes this claim, I think to does this idiot get by in life?? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
It may shock you to learn that sometimes people say things they don't necessarily believe for the sake of humor.

And while I don't believe that Mrs. Obama is a transexual, every time I see her I and reminded of a stand up I saw one time that referred to her as "Patrick Ewing in Drag".
bambino's Avatar
It may shock you to learn that sometimes people say things they don't necessarily believe for the sake of humor.

And while I don't believe that Mrs. Obama is a transexual, every time I see her I and reminded of a stand up I saw one time that referred to her as "Patrick Ewing in Drag". Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Mooshell has broader shoulders than Ewing.
rexdutchman's Avatar
just brilliance
winn dixie's Avatar
Mooshell has broader shoulders than Ewing. Originally Posted by bambino
lol plus she easily has a better jump shot
bambino's Avatar
lol plus she easily has a better jump shot Originally Posted by winn dixie
Why did Obama slip up and refer to “her” as Micheal?