Missed the Game - How'd the Astros do?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Down in flames. Blue Jays coming up.
How'd the Astros do? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The Astros lost the series 3 games to 2.

You also lost our friendly wager.

Where's my $500, Loser?

Down in flames. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Down in flames?

You previously said (without providing any proof) that the Malaysian Airlines 777 was parked on a remote island, carefully camouflaged by netting and shrubs.

Are you now saying your ridiculous remote island conspiracy theory was wrong all along?

As it relates to the 'Stros, despite the fact that they have a very young team, they had a very good year.

I am looking forward to next year!

Go 'Stros!

GO ROYALS! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Not much news from your bunker in Kansas? Or were you joking also moron?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It was not a good day for fans of Texas baseball. First, the Rangers commit 3 errors on 3 consecutive batters. First time in post season baseball history. One was a simple throw of maybe 60 feet. On another error, the shortstop dropped an easy throw. Instead of 3 outs, it's bases loaded no outs.

Then the Astros game. I know they've been doing it all season, but the Astro hitters have absolutely no concept of a "strike zone". They were swinging at pitches at least a foot outside the strike zone all night. A pitcher with decent control will know this and simply not put the ball over the plate and still get batters to swing.

But if I had told you before the season that both the Rangers and Astros would make it to the playoffs, you would have had a good laugh. Great season for both teams and the future is bright.
Toronto fans are a classy bunch. Douchebags.

Go Royals.
The Astros lost the series 3 games to 2.

You also lost our friendly wager.

Where's my $500, Loser?

Down in flames?

You previously said (without providing any proof) that the Malaysian Airlines 777 was parked on a remote island, carefully camouflaged by netting and shrubs.

Are you now saying your ridiculous remote island conspiracy theory was wrong all along?

As it relates to the 'Stros, despite the fact that they have a very young team, they had a very good year.

I am looking forward to next year!

Go 'Stros! Originally Posted by bigtex
The chicken chokers choked AGAIN ! More "mebbe next year " from Lil cotex ! With all of that "swing, and a miss " it's no wonder a lib like YOU likes them !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're a fucking LIAR, Whinybitch.
Astros bullpen catcher had a nice gesture after their loss. Took balls and some gear from the bag, and tossed it to kids in the crowd.
Fuck 'em all.

Go METS!!!!!!

Made bitches out of those Dodgers.
Go METS!!!!!! Originally Posted by ExNYer
Given a choice between the Cubs & the Mets, I choose neither.

The same holds true with the Royals & the Jays.
dirty dog's Avatar
The Astros lost the series 3 games to 2.

You also lost our friendly wager.

Where's my $500, Loser?

Down in flames?

You previously said (without providing any proof) that the Malaysian Airlines 777 was parked on a remote island, carefully camouflaged by netting and shrubs.

Are you now saying your ridiculous remote island conspiracy theory was wrong all along?

As it relates to the 'Stros, despite the fact that they have a very young team, they had a very good year.

I am looking forward to next year!

Go 'Stros! Originally Posted by bigtex

Hey fat ass, he asked you to post the thread where this wager was made, now I am asking so either put up or shut the fuck up. .
Fuck 'em all.

Go METS!!!!!!

Made bitches out of those Dodgers. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Fuck anything from NY.
Mets and Cubs in NLCS.....who woulda thunk it? Cubs haven't won a World Series in 108 years.

I predict Cubs v. Jays. I want to see Arrieta pitch to the top of the Jays order.
Hey fat ass, he asked you to post the thread where this wager was made, now I am asking so either put up or shut the fuck up. . Originally Posted by dirty dog
If you will promise to pay the $500 for the Welshing Idiot, I will gladly do the research for you.

Otherwise, look it up for yourself you fuk'n lazy bitch!