AOC The Democrats Version of Trump-(without the Lies)

themystic's Avatar
I love me some AOC my Trump loving Brothers!

She is JUST LIKE TRUMP- ( without the lies) of course

She throws out this wacky bullshit that everyone says is a bunch of Bullshit. Then everyone starts talking about whatever she says. You Morons that support Trump know what Im talking about. Her Green Deal & 70% Tax on the rich. A lot like Trumps Mexico is paying for the wall nonsense

Big difference is she's lots smarter and doesn't lie

Although Im a capitalist I love her Socialist ass. Btw Trump fathers, your kids are voting for her

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
winn dixie's Avatar
tm. You're my fav. lib. here. But dude. This is embarrassing !
I B Hankering's Avatar
themystic's Avatar
tm. You're my fav. lib. here. But dude. This is embarrassing ! Originally Posted by winn dixie
aww thanks wd. stop for a minute and look at the similarities

1. They are both from New York
2. Both of them had their daddy pay for all their stuff
3. They both say OUTRAGEOUS things that is not even possible
4. They both want other people to finance their projects without paying for it

5. People either Love them or Hate Them. No in between

We could go on and on
winn dixie's Avatar
^^ But only one of them will ever be called Mr. President.....
themystic's Avatar
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
they both are hypocrites. you see. let me count thy ways
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

problem with this is that the meme is wrong.... AOC is not eating cheeseburger. her bf is tho. looks like she's eating a pasta dish.
I B Hankering's Avatar
problem with this is that the meme is wrong.... AOC is not eating cheeseburger. her bf is tho. looks like she's eating a pasta dish. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
It's her chief of staff: someone who is supposed to be her banner man and endorsing AOC's message.

they both are hypocrites. you see. let me count thy ways Originally Posted by themystic
She's the typical dim-retard: "Do as I say; not as I do."
themystic's Avatar
It's her chief of staff: someone who is supposed to be her banner man and endorsing AOC's message.

She's the typical dim-retard: "Do as I say; not as I do." Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Looks like another Trump supporter is caught in a Lie. That would be yOU IB

AOC Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im writing my congressman to vote to lower the age of President. She would beat Trump handily. Shes like Jesus-help the Poor. Trump is like the rich man going to Hell

AOC 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Looks like another Trump supporter is caught in a Lie. That would be yOU IB

AOC Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

Im writing my congressman to vote to lower the age of President. She would beat Trump handily. Shes like Jesus-help the Poor. Trump is like the rich man going to Hell

AOC 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by themystic
AOC is as smart as a rock is about as close as you come to being at all truthful.
themystic's Avatar
AOC is as smart as a rock is about as close as you come to being at all truthful. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
My Kids are Capitalists. Trump voters Kids are Socialists. I attribute that to parenting abilities

I love AOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you answer the poll Tiny had? You want to fuck her don't you IB. I still remember when you said " Hillary is kind of hot in a weird way"'s taken time, but slowly / surely we've watched Mystic morph into a blended version of StandingStraight and Sistine Chapel.

Congrats,'ve now graduated to become a full-blown dimturd troll....head to the Left Coast asap; the idiots at UC-Berkley have your diploma. You can bang your fave house speaker while you're out there btw...
My Kids are Capitalists. Trump voters Kids are Socialists. I attribute that to parenting abilities

I love AOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you answer the poll Tiny had? You want to fuck her don't you IB. I still remember when you said " Hillary is kind of hot in a weird way" Originally Posted by themystic
A parent should let their child vote their own conscience and gently lead them through the process.

I like her too if she will get the government to pay to rebuild all my buildings to make the environment better, as long as my taxes don't go up.

She could pay for it by getting one set of Democrats to offer Boeing 20 trillion dollars to build an airplane factory in upstate New York, then after Boeing says they will take the offer, she could lead a campaign to prevent to giveaway, saving 20 trillion dollars that could be spent on tearing down old buildings and rebuilding them as environmentally sound structures.
I B Hankering's Avatar
My Kids are Capitalists. Trump voters Kids are Socialists. I attribute that to parenting abilities

I love AOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you answer the poll Tiny had? You want to fuck her don't you IB. I still remember when you said " Hillary is kind of hot in a weird way"
Originally Posted by themystic
Proving again that your memory is about par with your intelligence.

She could pay for it by getting one set of Democrats to offer Boeing 20 trillion dollars to build an airplane factory in upstate New York, then after Boeing says they will take the offer, she could lead a campaign to prevent to giveaway, saving 20 trillion dollars that could be spent on tearing down old buildings and rebuilding them as environmentally sound structures.
Originally Posted by friendly fred
Hey, with a tweak here and there, one can make the math work out....right?

That said.....AOC could just be the Poster Child as to why kids math scores have plummeted nationwide over the past couple of decades.....