Victor Davis Hanson: If Biden were a Republican, Dems in Congress would have impeached him. They should

  • oeb11
  • 08-23-2021, 09:26 AM

The American-nurtured Afghan military of the last 20 years that had suffered thousands of prior casualties evaporated in a few hours in the encirclement of Kabul.
Enlistees apparently calculated that their own meager chances with the premodern Taliban were still better than fighting as a dependency of the postmodern United States — despite its powerful diversity training programs.
Forces more powerful than the Taliban, in places far more strategic, will now leverage an ideologically driven but predictably incompetent administration, a woke Pentagon and politically weaponized intelligence communities.

Why not, when President Joe Biden trashes both American frackers and the Saudis — only to beg the Kingdom to rush to export more of its hated oil before the U.S. midterms?
Why not, when Biden asks Russia’s Vladimir Putin to request that Russian-related hackers be a little less rowdy in their selection of U.S. targets?
And why not, when our own military jousts with the windmills of "white supremacy" as Afghans fall from U.S. military jets in fatal desperation to reach such a supposedly racist nation?
Biden keeps repeating that he was bound by former President Donald Trump’s planned withdrawal.
A mercurial Trump repeatedly demonstrated that he was willing to use air power to protect U.S. personnel and to bomb an Islamic would-be caliphate. The Taliban knew that and so struck when Trump was gone.

Biden claims he was bound by Trump’s decision to withdraw and thus cannot be blamed for his reckless operation of a predetermined departure. But all Biden has done since entering office is destroy Trump pacts, overturning past agreements on energy leases, protocols with Latin America and Mexico on border security, and pipeline contracts.
No sooner did Biden claim he was straitjacketed by Trump than he reversed course to defend not just his own withdrawal but the disastrous manner of it. Biden claims that he has no free will while insisting he would have done nothing differently if he did.
In a sane world, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the secretary of defense would resign. We have heard for too long their careerist boasts about assigning climate change as their chief challenge. For too long they have virtue-signaled their critical race theory credentials to Congress. For too long they have bragged about rooting out alleged white supremacists from their ranks. For too long they have sparred with journalists while fighting Twitter wars and issuing cartoonish commercials attesting to their woke credentials.

In other words, they sermonized on anything and everything — except their plans to prevent a humiliating military defeat of U.S. forces and their allies.
Our intelligence and investigatory agencies are just as morally suspect. The legacy of John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey and Andrew McCabe has been the destruction of the reputations of the CIA, NSA and FBI.
Current and retired intelligence lackeys and careerists all wasted years promulgating Russian "collusion." They swore Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian "disinformation."
They surveilled and unmasked officials and hatched adolescent plots against an elected president. All that was more important to their careers than warning of the growing threats in Afghanistan.

In the aftermath of the Afghan debacle, we must de-politicize and de-weaponize these warped agencies and incompetent institutions.
We could get a symbolic start by pulling security clearances from all retired operatives, officers and diplomats who go on television to offer partisan analysis.
The retired and pensioned top brass should finally be held to account if they violate tenets of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. When four-star generals lecture the nation that an elected president is a Mussolini or Nazi-like but keep mum during the greatest military setback in a half-century, they should forfeit exemptions from existing military codes.
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Retired officers who revolve in and out of corporate defense contractor boards and Pentagon billets should have a cooling-off period of five years before leveraging their inside knowledge of the Pentagon procurement labyrinth.
As for Biden, his team in defeat threatens the victorious Taliban with possible ostracism from global diplomacy as the price of their illiberality. We are to assume that in between executing women, the Taliban will fear losing the chance to visit the U.N. in New York.
Biden has defied a Supreme Court ruling and assumed that it was a good thing to have broken the law. Under his watch, the fate of America’s border, equal enforcement of the laws, economy, energy, safety from crime, foreign policy and racial relations have imploded — and in seven months no less.
If Biden were a Republican, the current Democratic House would have impeached him. It would have been right to have done so.

Agreed - the hypocritical DPSTs may well be more afraid of KumHoela - than the fiden they can manifpulate.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
adav8s28's Avatar
You don't get impeached over a bad intelligence report.
winn dixie's Avatar
You don't get impeached over a bad intelligence report. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Lies and semantics

c'mon man
You don't get impeached over a bad intelligence report. Originally Posted by adav8s28
You're drinking the coolaid of the pissants know NOTHING about intelligence reports...other than the lies you swallow like a man dying of thirst.
You don't know the military code of justice either...
Look up dereliction of duty...the pissant was never a leader and he sure ain't one now!!
What was it Jack Nicholas said...
adav8s28's Avatar
You're drinking the coolaid of the pissants know NOTHING about intelligence reports...other than the lies you swallow like a man dying of thirst.
You don't know the military code of justice either...
Look up dereliction of duty...the pissant was never a leader and he sure ain't one now!!
What was it Jack Nicholas said... Originally Posted by bb1961
Did you listen to the Chairman of the joint chief of staff, General Milley testify. There was no intelligence to suggest the the AG Army would collapse in 11 days.

You should not drink before you log on. You don't know what you are talking about.
Did you listen to the Chairman of the joint chief of staff, General Milley testify. There was no intelligence to suggest the the AG Army would collapse in 11 days.

You should not drink before you log on. You don't know what you are talking about. Originally Posted by adav8s28
FUCK that leftwing WOKE General who's a disgrace to the US just like his boss!!
Go back to sleep you're WRONG again...the more you post the more you step in it!!
Pick ANYONE of these articles...they're SEVERAL more pages...just do a search THEY ALL PROVE YOU WRONG!! You keep trying to defend this POS pissant...YOUR COMPLETELY UNINFORMED BLIND support is some seriously sad shit!!

News about Intelligence Warned Of Afghan Military Collapse Des…
Intelligence Warned of Afghan Military Collapse, Despite Biden's Assurances

Classified assessments by American spy agencies over the summer painted an increasingly grim picture of …

YAHOO!News · 6d
See more news about Intelligence Warned Of Afghan Military Collapse Despite Biden's Assurance
Intelligence Warned of Afghan Military Collapse, Despite ...
Aug 18, 2021 · Intelligence Warned of Afghan Military Collapse, Despite Biden’s Assurances Even as the president was telling the public that Kabul was unlikely to fall, intelligence assessments painted a ...

Intelligence Warned of Afghan Military Collapse, Despite ...
Aug 17, 2021 · WASHINGTON — Classified assessments by American spy agencies over the summer painted an increasingly grim picture of the prospect of a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and warned of the rapid collapse of the Afghan military, even as President Joe Biden and his advisers said publicly that was unlikely to happen as quickly, according to current and former U.S. government officials.

Intelligence Warned Of Afghan Military Collapse, Despite ...
Aug 17, 2021 · Intelligence Warned of Afghan Military Collapse, Despite Biden’s Assurances. WASHINGTON — Classified assessments by American spy agencies over the summer painted an increasingly grim picture of the prospect of a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and warned of the rapid collapse of the Afghan military, even as President Biden and his advisers ...

Intelligence warned of Afghan military collapse, despite ...
Aug 17, 2021 · Intelligence warned of Afghan military collapse, despite assurances from Biden. WASHINGTON – Classified assessments by US spy agencies over the summer showed an increasingly grim picture of the prospect of an Afghanistan takeover by the Taliban and warned of the rapid collapse of the Afghan army, even as President Biden and his advisers publicly said it was unlikely to happen. …

Intelligence Warned of Afghan Military Collapse, Despite ...
Aug 18, 2021 · Classified assessments by American spy agencies over the summer painted an increasingly grim picture of the prospect of a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and warned of the rapid collapse of the Afghan military, even as President Biden and his advisers said publicly that was unlikely to happen as quickly, according to current and former American government officials.

Intelligence warned of Afghanistan's military collapse ...
Aug 17, 2021 · Intelligence warned of Afghanistan’s military collapse, despite assurances from Biden. WASHINGTON – Classified assessments by US spy agencies over the summer showed an increasingly grim picture of the prospect of an Afghanistan takeover by the Taliban and warned of the rapid collapse of the Afghan army, even as President Biden and his advisers publicly said it was unlikely to happen. …
adav8s28's Avatar

Try reading your links first and then come back and talk to me. In April 2021 the intelligence report did not indicate the Afgan Army would collapse in 11 days. Do you think they planned things two weeks in advance? This is from YOUR the insider voice link:

But key US decisions were made long before July, when the consensus among intelligence agencies was that the Afghan government could hold out for up to two years, which would have allowed enough time for an orderly exit. On April 27, when the State Department ordered the removal of non-essential personnel from the embassy in Kabul, the overall intelligence assessment remained that the Taliban were at least 18 months away from taking power, according to administration officials.

Again, you do not know what you are talking about. Your own link proves it.
The way biden bungled this withdrawal from Afghanistan mirrors the way he's bungled being president - it's a clusterfuck ..... and as oeb11's political cartoon stated, we may be getting close to the point where "at least he isn't Trump" doesn't cut it anymore .....
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2021, 06:19 AM
You don't get impeached over a bad intelligence report. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Impeachment is a political Act - little 'a' - ask you dream girl nazi Pelosi.
the hypocrisy and ignorance of DPST marxist regarding teh Constitution and history never fails to stun me.
Still the apologist adn defender (WK) for fiden - the indoctrination runs deep in this one.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^that true ,,,,
HedonistForever's Avatar
From all the reporting that I am hearing, there never, ever was sufficient intelligence to suggest that the Afghan Army would ever be capable of holding back the the Taliban once we left.

Most of the reporting now suggests that intelligence was manipulated for 20 years. Commander's on the ground in charge of training are now coming out of the wood work saying things never revealed before. One trainer said his biggest problem other than the fact that 95% of them were illiterate, was that when they showed up, which was mostly payday, they were high as a kite and "high" was. there normal state.

So for 20 years we have known that this would never be an effective army because of illiteracy, drug use and not wanting to kill fellow Muslims. Only the hard core Specials Forces were anything resembling a competent fighting force and once again, without the help of our air support, they wouldn't last a day in a real fire fight.

No, there was no intelligence from day one that this would ever work without US Forces on the ground.

They lied to us, all of them.

Drug Use, Poor Discipline Afflict Afghanistan's Army

Intelligence Warned of Afghan Military Collapse, Despite Biden’s Assurances

Even as the president was telling the public that Kabul was unlikely to fall, intelligence assessments painted a grimmer picture.
Classified assessments by American spy agencies over the summer painted an increasingly grim picture of the prospect of a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and warned of the rapid collapse of the Afghan military, even as President Biden and his advisers said publicly that was unlikely to happen as quickly, according to current and former American government officials.
By July, many intelligence reports grew more pessimistic, questioning whether any Afghan security forces would muster serious resistance and whether the government could hold on in Kabul, the capital. President Biden said on July 8 that the Afghan government was unlikely to fall and that there would be no chaotic evacuations of Americans similar to the end of the Vietnam War.
The drumbeat of warnings over the summer raise questions about why Biden administration officials, and military planners in Afghanistan, seemed ill-prepared to deal with the Taliban’s final push into Kabul, including a failure to ensure security at the main airport and rushing thousands more troops back to the country to protect the United States’ final exit.

One report in July — as dozens of Afghan districts were falling and Taliban fighters were laying siege to several major cities — laid out the growing risks to Kabul, noting that the Afghan government was unprepared for a Taliban assault, according to a person familiar with the intelligence.
Intelligence agencies predicted that should the Taliban seize cities, a cascading collapse could happen rapidly and the Afghan security forces were at high risk of falling apart. It is unclear whether other reports during this period presented a more optimistic picture about the ability of the Afghan military and the government in Kabul to withstand the insurgents.
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2021, 06:18 PM
HF - thank you fo ra good read.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Taliban joeys got this LOL