What’s going on with Cumalas trip?

bambino's Avatar
Bloomberg reported her departure was on hold indefinitely. Then was cleared 3hrs later. And then there’s this;


This administration is so fucked up.
winn dixie's Avatar
Theyre sinking and no one is offering a floatie
bambino's Avatar
Their brains are fried.


What Is Havana Syndrome?
Havana syndrome is a series of debilitating symptoms that first affected U.S. intelligence officers and embassy staffers stationed in Havana, Cuba, in late 2016. In the following year, American diplomats in different parts of the world reported similar symptoms.

Researchers investigating the condition have stated that Havana syndrome, which was initially dismissed as mass hysteria or a reaction caused by psychosomatic causes such as stress, may be a result of microwave weaponry. Symptoms are similar to those of a concussion or mild head injury and have mostly been reported by diplomats, intelligence officers, military personnel, and their family members deployed on foreign soil.

To date, Havana syndrome has affected more than 130 people, with a few officials having reported symptoms while they were on U.S soil. Symptoms are not only distressing but aftereffects also seem to linger for a long time.

What are the symptoms of Havana syndrome?
In late 2016, deployed diplomats heard a loud piercing sound at night and felt intense pressure in the face. Pain, nausea, and dizziness followed. While the sound stopped eventually, some people complained of continued pain and dizziness along with trouble concentrating. The symptoms were debilitating enough to interfere with their work during the period of deployment.

In the years that followed, many intelligence officers and military personnel reported symptoms such as confusion, nausea, and disorientation that typically started with a sudden onset of pain and pressure in the head and ears. They reported other symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, brain fog, memory problems, light sensitivity, and sleep-related complaints (drowsiness and insomnia).

The long-term sequelae of Havana syndrome include:

Problems with distant vision
Recurrent vertigo
Experts state that overall symptoms are akin to those reported by individuals with head injuries, although none of the personnel reported a blow to the head or related preexisting health conditions.

What could be the cause of Havana syndrome?
Initially, experts suspected that Havana syndrome may be caused by either accidental or deliberate exposure to a toxic chemical, pesticide, or drug. No traces of such agents, however, were found in affected people or their homes.

The most likely cause of Havana syndrome is assumed to be some type of a mechanical device that emits ultrasonic or microwave energy:

Such radiofrequency energy exposure through highly specialized bioweaponry could potentially create microbubbles in the fluid inside a person’s ear. When those bubbles travel through the blood into the brain, they can cause minute air emboli that result in cell damage, similar to decompression sickness (disorder that deep-sea divers develop if they surface too quickly),
Another explanation is that symptoms may be due to direct penetration of radiofrequency waves into the skull, which disrupts electrical and chemical activity in the brain and rewires certain neural pathways. This rewiring may be the reason that the symptoms seem profound and have long-lasting sequelae.

bambino's Avatar
LAST ONE. This at 12:19pm ET


The Vice President exited Air Force Two to some applause from those gathered on a tarmac. She was greeted by a line of officials, each putting their arm to their chest instead of shaking hands. Everyone was masked.

One reporter shouted a question of why the vice president continued her trip to Vietnam in the wake of "a report of a recent possible anomalous health incident in Hanoi, Vietnam."

Pool was escorted into the motorcade at 10:06 P.M. We arrived at the JW Marriott in Hanoi at 10:38 PM.

VP's team says no more events today.

LexusLover's Avatar
May be this is a diversionary stopover .... She is on her way to Kabul.
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2021, 06:13 PM
B - you describe the signs and symptoms of the neurologic injury suffered by many US diplomats/personnel in havana - and some other venues.

KumHoeLa - How would One know the difference if she is affected after a VietNam trip or not???
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Electromagnetic wavelengths. I heard it was the Diaz brothers.


The Economist explains - What is Havana syndrome, the puzzling malady plaguing Western diplomats? | The Economist explains | The Economist


In late 2016 in Havana, Cuba’s capital, several CIA officers working at the American embassy described the sensation of pressure in their heads and the sound of what sounded like a swarm of cicadas. They suffered from nausea and fatigue and had trouble remembering things. They also complained of ear pain and hearing loss. Later, brain scans revealed tissue damage similar to that caused by a car accident or a bomb blast.

  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2021, 06:31 PM
Moments before the Argentine revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara was murdered by his captors in Bolivia, in 1967, the C.I.A. agent who was on the scene told his executioner, a Bolivian sergeant, to shoot Che from the neck down, so as to make it appear that he had died of his wounds in battle.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Bloomberg reported her departure was on hold indefinitely. Then was cleared 3hrs later. And then there’s this;


This administration is so fucked up. Originally Posted by bambino
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Maybe someone shot x-rays or gamma rays into their brains.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Maybe someone shot x-rays or gamma rays into their brains. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
no. microwave radiation. makes your skin feel like ants biting.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yea the ICA is at it again,,,,( ICA from the hitman games )