Donald, what is happening to you

VitaMan's Avatar
Trump was booed by members of the crowd at his rally in Cullman, Alabama on Saturday when he encouraged them to get vaccinated against the virus and quickly moved to stress he believed "totally in your freedoms."

On Sunday, right-wing radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who has previously expressed support for Trump, launched a scathing attack on the former president for his stance on vaccines.

Jones said on The Alex Jones Show: "Shame on you, Trump. Seriously."

"Hey, if you don't have the good sense to save yourself and your political career, that's OK," he said.
LexusLover's Avatar
So how's the surrender in Afghanistan going? Is there a vaccine shortage there?
He's never had good sense for anything really. Mo Brooks got his ass handed to him by the crowd also. lol

Trump going down in flames.
So how's the surrender in Afghanistan going? Is there a vaccine shortage there? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Dodge and deflect like a good little trumptard.
LexusLover's Avatar
Dodge and deflect like a good little trumptard. Originally Posted by royamcr
Dodge what? That's the good thing about voting for The Demented One, like you did. Nothing to "dodge." Keep whining about Trump. Are looking forward to watching all the U.S. citizens stranded in Afghanistan being raped and beheaded?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I think recommending to not take the vaccine would be more damning, unless you're Kamaliban.
VitaMan's Avatar
So how's the surrender in Afghanistan going? Is there a vaccine shortage there? Originally Posted by LexusLover

You mean the Trump surrender, as discussed by his national security advisor.

Afghanistan and Alabama together......don't think so
bambino's Avatar
They booed the vaccine. Not Trump.
VitaMan's Avatar
Don't you get the connection ?
bambino's Avatar
Don't you get the connection ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
You don’t.
LOL. More like, "Biden, what is happening to you?"
Emotions at Trump rallies are welcomed, not censored.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
What's important nowadays is continuing to bitch about the One.
winn dixie's Avatar
Have you heard the good word? The one that will save us all!
He is known as the One that is H I M !
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2021, 05:45 PM
Dodge and deflect like a good little trumptard. Originally Posted by royamcr

Suggest u cease teh insulting name-calling, and 'baiting' of other posters.
Ignore the DPST lying 'baiters'!
VitaMan's Avatar
You don’t. Originally Posted by bambino
You haven't been able to make the connection, so here it is spelled out for you.

Trump recommended his supporters get vaccinated.
Some supporters view that as an impingement upon their freedom.
Shortly afterward, some boos could be heard in the crowd, which was mostly maskless.

Hope this helps you to make the connection.