When does the mood usually hit you?

I want to ask the community what time of day does that urge come to you?
I myself am a late night horny girl. I find myself on porn hub @2 am looking up the big cock videos. It's not every night but when I get in the mood it sucks to not have a call or even a boyfriend to come. Anyways late nights for me. What about everyone else?
When does the mood hit me? Yes.
Yes....all the time.
Nutting Buckeye's Avatar
bigguy4DATY's Avatar
Naturally a guy would say that. What about the other ladies since we seem to be the only gender that can turn our moods on and off!!

I may need to say to guys when is the desire most uncontrollable?
Do you take care of those 24/7 urges yourself?
Do you take care of those 24/7 urges yourself? Originally Posted by AMOR ELSA
Can I get back to you in about 10 minutes?
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
When I'm stressed, or when I see a pretty young lady. So, pretty much 24/7....
Personally I like morning sex.. my libido is up when I wake up! At night I want to lay it down and snooze.
Whispers's Avatar
When I see sumtin I want......
I may need to say to guys when is the desire most uncontrollable? Originally Posted by AMOR ELSA
When a lady is in her uncontrollable state.
Kuhlarrow's Avatar
Every time and I DO MEAN EVERY time I sees A HOT 19-30 year old svelte, built for speed fine lady with bubble butt - I'm READY!!!!
The mood hits me usually after a glass or two of wine....
My sex drive has been higher than usual... and this is bad. I havent had any D in a couple weeks.... im currently craving it!! Lately,,ive been horny around the clock.

At night...is when i usually have the freakiest, dirtiest, nastiest, thoughts involving sex, and i masturbate to those oh so taboo fantasies/fetishes i have... luckily, my handy dandy vibrator has been by my side the entire time

Ok....who wants to be my BFE on demand?!
Jten13's Avatar