Norway massacre trial

This is a link to day two. His diatribes against muslims and liberals and immigrants are, I fear, not that far from some of the views of whackos here. But of course no whacko here (or in the US) is going to do what he did.

He didn;t have a diatribe against black people because there aren;t many black people in Norway - the ones who do immigrate are sent to the far north.

But it shows the dangers of extreme views.

Did the massacre get good coverage in the US press?
I B Hankering's Avatar

Did the massacre get good coverage in the US press? Originally Posted by essence
Yes, and BBCA is covering the trial.
But of course no whacko here (or in the US) is going to do what he did. Originally Posted by essence
A gentle reminder essence: the last wackos in the US that killed more than 40 people in one day where HERE IN THE US.
TexTushHog's Avatar
A gentle reminder essence: the last wackos in the US that killed more than 40 people in one day where HERE IN THE US. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Timothy McVeigh, although he didn't act quit alone. But close to acting alone.
It was the 9-11 terrorists TTH. They were here in this country...not born here, but some of the help they received was born here. And many of them were here in the good ole USA for a significant amount of time.
The Norway killer is very confused, both admires Muslim terrorists, and hates Muslims.

For sensible people it tends to be more the other way round.

Poor parents having to listen to it all. They can't even be comforted that he was mentally ill.
It was the 9-11 terrorists TTH. They were here in this country...not born here, but some of the help they received was born here. And many of them were here in the good ole USA for a significant amount of time. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yeah, but they weren't home-grown anti-government whackos like McVeigh....or David Koresh for that matter.

Anybody see the video on the news showing the judges coming down and shaking that crazy motherfucker's hand before the trial started? Right after he gave his little weird fist salute?

I also saw that the maximum amount of prison time the killer can get is 21 years? For murdering 77 people? Crazy.
joe bloe's Avatar
This guy is obviously crazy. He should be locked up or executed. Having said that, Norway, and the rest of Europe, are being overun by Muslims that are brutalizing the native population. This sort of violence is a reaction to Muslim violence. Muslims can not live peacefully with any other group. They don't live peacefully with Jews, Christians, Hindus, or any other religion. Muslims should not be allowed to immigrate to non Muslims countries. The reason that Muslim immigration is so common is that they are escaping their own Muslim countries that are hell holes because of Muslim culture. Muslims immigrate to western countries and immediately try to convert the new country to the customs that ruined the country they left. Islamic immigration is a cancer that is metastacizing.
An Iranian (professional, working for a US company) told me a few months ago that there are many more Iranians living outside than inside. Any with any intelligence or education has left.

So don't dismiss all Muslim immigrants. They may not be Muslim, and they may bring prosperity to the country.

ps Joe, having watched a couple of your links, what really disturbs me is the stupidity of the British youth commenting.
This is an interesting discussion.

Comments are closed last time I looked, no doubt so the lawyers can check it out.
joe bloe's Avatar
An Iranian (professional, working for a US company) told me a few months ago that there are many more Iranians living outside than inside. Any with any intelligence or education has left.

So don't dismiss all Muslim immigrants. They may not be Muslim, and they may bring prosperity to the country.

ps Joe, having watched a couple of your links, what really disturbs me is the stupidity of the British youth commenting. Originally Posted by essence

It's a fair point that not all immigrants from Muslim countries are Muslims. There are also Christian immigrants being driven out by the Muslims. The Coptic Christians in Egypt pretty much have a choice between leaving or being killed by the Muslims. The Christians in Sudan are also flooding out of the country to avoid being slaughtered by the Muslims.

Of course not all Muslims are evil, but Islam is an evil religion and most people who practice Islam are probably negatively effected by it.