A Woman’s Lifetime Earnings Lost To Pay Gap Could Feed A Family Of Four For 37 Years

A Woman’s Lifetime Earnings Lost To Pay Gap Could Feed A Family Of Four For 37 Years
By Pat Garofalo on Apr 17, 2012 at 10:45 am

As of today — which is Equal Pay Day 2012 — women make 77 cents for every dollar that men earn. Over the course of a woman’s career, that disparity adds up to more than $430,000 in lost wages for an individual woman. As Center for American Progress economic analyst Matt Separa noted, the pay gap means that women fall behind economically in a number of ways:

Because of this gap women working full time are able to afford less education, housing, transportation, food, and health care for themselves and their families than their male counterparts. As a result women and female-headed households are more likely to be in poverty and less likely to have health insurance. The pay gap translates into a significant economic disadvantage for women and their families, especially when nearly two-thirds (63.9 percent) of women are now either the primary breadwinner or a co-breadwinner, bringing home at least 25 percent of their family’s income.

With the money lost over her lifetime, a woman could feed a family of four for 37 years, pay for seven four-year degrees at a public university, or simply save the money for retirement, boosting her quality of life when she leaves the workforce:

ForumPoster's Avatar
this is one of the reasons I refuse to go back into corporate structure. There are others, but being at constant disadvantage due to my cultural background and gender just got too annoying.

LexusLover's Avatar
.... just got too annoying. Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Not to mention the pain of having those gorgeous breasts mashed against a hard desk top while bending over during lunch time!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-17-2012, 03:03 PM
my secretary/personal assistant made $1200 a week, had a company car, insurance, and a profit sharing plan ... she never said a word about being underpaid
ForumPoster's Avatar
Not to mention the pain of having those gorgeous breasts mashed against a hard desk top while bending over during lunch time! Originally Posted by LexusLover


I actually once had another female coworker file sexual harassment action against me. She felt that size of my bust creates hostile work environment for her.

Wish I was making it up .. but unfortunately its real story.

LexusLover's Avatar
She felt that size of my bust creates hostile work environment for her.

Wish I was making it up .. but unfortunately its real story.

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
They would be terribly distracting. Hard ... er ... difficult to work.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The pay gap is generally the result of the difference in the amount of time spent working.
In the real world of business it takes a lot more than a 40 hour week to be successful and while some women will put in the time there is generally a big difference in the number of men VS women that work 70 or 80 hours a week.

I have found that those women that do work as much as their counterparts earn just as much or more.

Just to be clear, I am in total agreement that there should be equal pay for equal work regardless of gender but there does not need to be a law.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Awww the lefts imaginary war on women has finally come to the sandbox. Don't you love how Obama preaches big equality to women but actually pays the women white house staff 18% (on average) less than men!! Oh joy of joys.
Look at it this way. Women Hookers make a heck of a lot more than Male Hookers.

Where is the fairness in that??
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-17-2012, 05:08 PM
Don't you love how Obama preaches big equality to women but actually pays the women white house staff 18% (on average) less than men!! Oh joy of joys. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

Edit: Nevermind, i found it. I suppose if you're dumb enough to think that the assistant to the press secretary should be paid the same as the Chief Of Staff simply because they're both considered "White House Staff", then i can see how you'd think you had a good point.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Let me connect the dots for you, Glenna:

a job........................... .............................. ..the same job = the same pay

Notice how they are on the same plane, level, equal, as it were.

But, alas T2D, wrong once again. In the case of Lilly Ledbetter, the woman for whom the latest equal pay act was named (the first one was in 1963), the instrumental facts in her winning her law suit were based on examination of pay stubs for men vs her having either equal or subordinate positions within Goodyear per the corporate flow chart. This turned it into a no-brainer. Oopsie! Btw, it's getting to be summer, so can you cool it with the bloviated hot air?

Doove, quit doing the research for the TPers. Or, at least employ the "one and done" method. Based upon that, you have had your quota for today.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So you can cite an instance in one company or maybe more. That does not mean there should be a law, It is not the responsibility of the federal government to control wages. That is a negotiation between the employer and the employee.
Just because some activists judges decide that there has to be a law does not mean there should be.

You weak minded individuals that cannot fend for yourselves have to run to momma when you don't get your way. The end result is a government that far exceeds the requirements of the constitution and 16 trillion dollars of debt.

So the white house doesnt trust women in the higher positions. Seems like an inequality of capability issues wit them.

And you have it wrong The same work...........the same pay.
People can have identical jobs, one could have been there much longer and worked many more hours than their counterpart with the same job. Why should the counterpart be paid the same for less work.

The same job with two different people yet one has the capability of doing other jobs and fills in on those where the other does not have the same abilities.

You liberals have this cookie cutter mold of a 40 hour week and it just isnt so.

There are many things that go into what a person regardless of gender gets paid and you cant just arbitrarily decide that the same job equals the same pay.

In your liberal world everyone would work down to the lowest common denominator. It is no wonder North Korea is in the shape it is in.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh shit, I just realized that you are from up north. No wonder.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-17-2012, 08:04 PM
So the white house doesnt trust women in the higher positions. Seems like an inequality of capability issues wit them. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Two words; Hillary Clinton. Two more; Elena Kagan. And two more; Sonia Sotomayor.

And finally, two more; pesky facts.

And you have it wrong The same work...........the same pay.

You liberals have this cookie cutter mold of a 40 hour week and it just isnt so.
Seems you should be telling that to Kayla.

Oh shit, I just realized that you are from up north. No wonder. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You went back and posted again just for that?
Oh shit, I just realized that you are from up north. No wonder. Originally Posted by The2Dogs