Aftercare in the Hobby World

For those into BDSM how do you help clients that may drop after scenes or how do you care for yourself if you are dropping? I know both tops and bottoms can drop. Do you check in on your clients after a few days?

I did a small scene with a client last week that I honestly didn't expect to drop from but I did. I tend to need cuddles when I drop and thankfully I have a big ass teddy bear and got lots of dark chocolate to help me.

What is your aftercare protocol in the hobby world?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I try to take some time, afterwards, to talk ... sooth. Have some sort of closure.

But I'll also ask a client to contact me, send me a note or something, and let me know how they're doing if we've done something more extreme than it what his comfort level is.

Great topic!!! I think that it's very important to complete the circle when doing such types of play.

Elizabeth......Thanks for the Postcard (grin)
If I'm topping, cuddles (or light a soothing caresses), water, ice (if necessary), and appreciation. I will tell them to please keep in touch and if a scene was particularly intense I will message/email them to follow up in a few days.

I only sub for men that I know will give me what I need after a scene. When they depart I also turn off the AC, crawl under the covers, and take a short nap to refresh myself and mentally reset.
jimmylbob's Avatar
I am not familiar with the term dropping or drop. Educate me?
I am not familiar with the term dropping or drop. Educate me? Originally Posted by jimmylbob
This is a good article
jimmylbob's Avatar
Holy smokes! I think I was made to help you through the drop! Thanks for the article!
icansmile's Avatar
Feelings. There is just no escaping them. Even in the "No holes barred" realm of BDSM. I learned LONG ago that the "gift" of submission cums with a lot of emotional responsibilty. That little lady that was begging for pain is also going to need some comforting. Pretty hard to deal with most times when watching the clock. It is good to know that there are some professional ladies that have that much concern. kudos.