Mumbai Advice

Looking for some input from the community.

Spending a week in Mumbai, and although there is some action from time to time on the India board, Mumbai isn't referenced often.

I've heard about the Mumbai Kamathipura area that it's a sight to see, but that it's also a very shady side of town, and as a westerner, not the safest place to venture.

So two questions...

-Anyone have any tips, leads, or suggestions for some good stuff in Mumbai? Anything you can pass on would be appreciated.

-Any clue as to why Mumbai isn't referenced here often? Seems strange given the size of the city.

Thanks everyone, stay safe out there.

Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
I'm based out of Mumbai now... will start paying attention to this board a bit more from here on out! I can help a little bit.
I am Monica austin currently living in Puna and sometimes I go to Mumbai
In puna I am a writer ..I don't hobby but if you are interested in having a great time we can meet and have fun (hobby) and please read my reviews.... My email is or SMS at 7378 975196
I just posted something today and has a recent picture of me (from yesterday)
Have a great day ....Monica
rajbhai's Avatar
Apologies to bump an old thread, but since not many updates for Mumbai. Is anyone out here in Mumbai