Mod Approval Ratings

Whispers's Avatar
What do you think of your Mods? Rate Them!
Still Looking's Avatar
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 01-06-2014, 07:04 PM
when JJ became mod I was as surprised as anyone because I was like...."of all the people". Earlier in the year he gets banned, and then shortly after he comes back, he becomes mod. I was like wtf, I always saw and thought of mods as people who were insiders. I don't recall very many eccie insiders laughing at pictures of talking cats or playing call of duty.

The surprising thing to me is his tone and approach to moderating. Its not cold hearted and dickish which is what I'm used to. Its not goofy and all over the place like he behaved as when he was regular member. He at least lets his personality come out a little bit and has a good sensor of humor about stuff. But of course he tries to be the voice of reason here as well.

I think his inclusion is great because it allows for a fresh different perspective.

alright enough bromance:

lmfao, yaranaika meme - the best part is that he's the only one who's going to get that shit.
Whispers's Avatar
when JJ became mod I was as surprised as anyone because I was like...."of all the people". Earlier in the year he gets banned, and then shortly after he comes back, he becomes mod. I was like wtf, I always saw and thought of mods as people who were insiders. I don't recall very many eccie insiders laughing at pictures of talking cats or playing call of duty. Originally Posted by savak

A Long the way to getting banned he had to get exposed to the guidelines.... Some of the most outlandish posters know them quite well...

It is interesting that 6 of 9 people that comment about JJ think he is great and only 1 of the 9 think he needs to go.

With Mokoa only 2 out of the 8 think he does a great job and half of that number want to see him gone.

As one of those guys that much of ECCIE claims to hate it's interesting to see that 28 out of 60 at the moment think I would do a better job.

Good thing none of this is for real !
Still Looking's Avatar
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
What do you think of your Mods? Rate Them! Originally Posted by Whispers
I have been a long time supporter of Mokoa and JJ and I think everyone knows that. .. Mokoa has always been FAIR and HONEST with me... When I have stepped out of line he has corrected me and he has always been both professional and helpful during these encounters. .

Unlike, some moderators in other cities he has NEVER asked me to give him a FREE SESSION in exchange for a review. On all accounts he has been FAIR & PROFESSIONAL.

He has also gone to bat for me on several occasions when he knew that I was being bullied by some persistent gentlemen who refused to take NO for an answer.

Because, of those things I am VERY LOYAL to him because he has been fair and just with me...

My interactions with JJ have been the same. .. Professional, courteous, informative and when I needed to be corrected or shown a, different way of handling things then he has been equally FAIR & JUST...

For what it's worth. .

Your loyal slave,

dearhunter's Avatar
I .........Unlike, some moderators in other cities he has NEVER asked me to give him a FREE SESSION in exchange for a review......... Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
What other Mods have asked for a "FREE SESSION"?
Whispers's Avatar
Unlike, some moderators in other cities he has NEVER asked me to give him a FREE SESSION in exchange for a review. Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere

One of my favorite subjects darlin! Who is wanting a free session?

We will lynch him!
Guest092514's Avatar
I would advise that you get your poll edited and reviewed next time before posting. LOTS of miss spellings and grammatical errors. Nothing personal bec we don't know each other. Same thing I'd say to someone I knew well and wanted to help.
On the voting, I have very much appreciated the help and advise and direction Mokoa has offered over the years. Have not had much contact with JJ but he has been fair as well. No experiences with Az.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I would advise that you get your poll edited and reviewed next time before posting. LOTS of miss spellings and grammatical errors ... Originally Posted by sandy
Post less. Post better.
As of now, there are only 27 voters. I would bet the majority of the negative votes aren't even from SA....
Seems most of the ones complaining are from other cities...
mayorcastro's Avatar
Hey, I'm not a moderator but I'll give a review for a free session.
I would advise that you get your poll edited and reviewed next time before posting. LOTS of miss spellings and grammatical errors. Originally Posted by sandy
Perhaps he should take his own advice.
Don't post when you are so upset. Your grammar goes to hell and you barely make sense. Originally Posted by Whispers
Whispers's Avatar
As of now, there are only 27 voters. I would bet the majority of the negative votes aren't even from SA....
Seems most of the ones complaining are from other cities... Originally Posted by canyonman
When the post was made in Austin it was actually running the exact opposite. More of the positive vots are coming from Austin and others in order to keep me in Austin and from being a Mod here in San Antonio.

The worry about losing my wit.

There also seems to be a movement to keep me in the rank and file in order to have more exposes. Seems it not cool to the powers to be for Mods to squabble with each other......

sigh...... I was so looking forward to helping Mokoa organize the threads....
Whispers's Avatar
Perhaps he should take his own advice. Originally Posted by saustin
you understand what I am saying..... I could care less about anything more than that....

It's a board where the audience is whores, hookers, providers and whore mongers.....

you think I or anyone else gives a fuck about grammar police? one of the lamest groups in the internet....