flinde back to clowning

flinde's Avatar
I apologize for my 3 week absence. Special apology to Achilles. Came down with the H1N1 flu and was really sick. Somewhat surprising, I thought that I had built up immunity, pig that I am.

Went to San Diego (Del Mar) to recover, watch the bowl games. I usually take wild card weekend off, cause my eyes hurt from the bowl games. But it was interesting being in San Diego for the Chargers game.

But, all better now, time to bet back to business.
Glad you're feeling better! How scary!
WOW! I'm glad that you are back and you have your health back.
I haven't been on San Antonio boards in awhile sorry to see you were sick but so glad you are better!!!
Still Looking's Avatar
I got sick like that once. I caught the Hawaiian flu. I think they called it...


Glad your feeling better!
That's what happened to Flinde. Glad you are feeling better. I have been lucky myself. (Crossing fingers, knocking on wood(not mine, real wood). Ha. Flu is running rampant in SA.

Hey Flinde, did you get to do any mongering on the West Coast? Just wondering if you found any delightfully nasty TUMA-girls there.
oldtiger's Avatar
Glad to you have you back, you ol' bastard!
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
Welcome back sir.
greenhorn1960's Avatar
Me too! Same diagnosis, fever, chills, feel better for three hours then wham...since the New Years Day. Can't wait till this is gone.
levi tab's Avatar
Welcome back flinde!