Romney shocks nation by announcing presidential run

Longermonger's Avatar

This cartoon pretty much sums him up.
Longermonger's Avatar

Your new healthcare plan under Romney will include checkups done by Romney himself!
6ULDV8's Avatar
So my question is, how many sons has Romney got and how many have served in the military? Food for thought.
So my question is, how many sons has Romney got and how many have served in the military? Food for thought. Originally Posted by 6ULDV8
Why does it matter? Obama never served, Clinton never served. Doesn't mean they were incompetent CIC's. The majority of our Presidents had no military experience.
6ULDV8's Avatar
Why does it matter? Obama never served, Clinton never served. Doesn't mean they were incompetent CIC's. The majority of our Presidents had no military experience. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Never said I didn't have a problem with any of them and, I believe they were all incompetent. If you're going to send our troops into harms way, you'd best understand what it's like to get shot at.
I wanna know if he wears the funny underwear?
lakecat's Avatar
Sarah Palin had a son serve in the military, does that mean you'd vote for her since she meets your qualification? And just because you've been in the military doesn't mean you've been shot at.

I think all Presidents understand the implications of sending troops into harms way without having served in the military. IMHO we're paying a much higher price as a country by having a president who had ZERO experience in the private sector of the business world and has no real world understanding of the economy. I'd rather have a president with business experience over one with military experience in our current environment.
JRLawrence's Avatar
..... The majority of our Presidents had no military experience. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Wait just a second, There have been 12 presidents with no military service. Obama is the 43ed unique president in the US History (Grover Cleveland Elected twice #22 and #24 with no military service) Obama is called the 44th president; so 12/43 = 27.91% did not have military service.

I expected much more from smart, beautiful, woman like you. Don't shoot from the hip.

I tend to think about what I am saying, before I say it. That way, I tend to be right when I do speak.

The president is not a CEO. CEO's have unchallenged authority and/or board of director input - the board of directors, in most cases, will not unanimously oppose everything that the CEO proposes, simply based upon partisanship. BOD's have a vested interest in their companies success and don't have to worry about keeping to the "party line" or pandering to their parties' hardliners and support bases. That doesn't appear to be the case in Washington. Warren Buffet couldn't save this country if he were not of the same party as the Congress - Partisan Bullshit.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are right, MsElena. There is no point in responding.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The president is not a CEO. CEO's have unchallenged authority and/or board of director input - the board of directors, in most cases, will not unanimously oppose everything that the CEO proposes, simply based upon partisanship. BOD's have a vested interest in their companies success and don't have to worry about keeping to the "party line" or pandering to their parties' hardliners and support bases. That doesn't appear to be the case in Washington. Warren Buffet couldn't save this country if he were not of the same party as the Congress - Partisan Bullshit. Originally Posted by thorough9
Totally agree running the country has nothing to do with running a business. romney has 3 big negatives: he's Mormon, Obama's heallthcare is a near carbon copy of Romney's health plan wen he was governor and Romney is very wealthy- he won't connect with the poor and middle class.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Never said I didn't have a problem with any of them and, I believe they were all incompetent. If you're going to send our troops into harms way, you'd best understand what it's like to get shot at. Originally Posted by 6ULDV8
Obama spent a great amount of time in Chicago- you would assume he knows what it's like to be shot at-lol. All jokes aside serving in the military doesn't me squat- who cares if you know what it's like to be shot at- so by your own words- McCain would have fixed all the problems we have? What advantage does someone being shot at have to do with the economy?
dirty dog's Avatar
Someone who has experianced war may be a little more causious when it comes to decisions which involved the lives of the men and women in the military. It also allows insight in understanding operational planning and the effect on the ground of these decisions which again allows the president to make more informed decisions. Is it necessary, no, but maybe if Bush would have had some combat experience he might have seen the wool being pulled over his eyes by Chenny and the other warhawks. A military man who acheived any rank also knows how to organize and utilize personal to the best advantage. Does it mean that military experence would fix the economy, no, does it mean it would lower gas prices, only if we were going to overthrow OPEC.
Longermonger's Avatar