Tuesday, the 2nd Monday

  • Ratz
  • 09-20-2016, 05:23 AM
Does anyone else get their day started on Tuesday and immediately wonder why it is feeling like Monday all over again???

Good news!!! Tomorrow is HUMP DAY, let's hope everyone can get some!!!

More good news!!! One more day closer to Friday!!
JocelynJohnsin's Avatar
I have referred to today as Monday like ten times and keep getting corrected - it definitely has a Monday feel today!!
Key of G's Avatar
Joce that's because you have been moving the last few days so not surprised you don't know what day it is!! Welcome to your new home baby!!
JocelynJohnsin's Avatar
I can't keep track of shit these last few days- my brain has been in over drive and I can't keep anything straight lol- I can't wait til life is back to normal. Thanks for the welcome baby cakes!! Glad to be here
finman56's Avatar
Well damn I can't wave at you twice a day now.

Sounds like you need to get laid. lol

I will be in CR Thursday night for a flight the next morning. Now if my wife would go out for a couple hours I know a couple ladies to call. lol
JocelynJohnsin's Avatar
Just give her money and tell her to go shopping lol- or sneak out and 'watch the football game' - I can put it on in the background so technically it wouldn't be a lie!
DallasRain's Avatar
Jocelyn I luv your avatar! Yummmy!!!!

normalguy21's Avatar
Really a day is any day you want it be .

Till Tuesday
Wed Adams thursday delight
Friday Fish
Saturday Mow the yard
Sunday sleep in
DallasRain's Avatar