Question for the Gentlemen....

KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
I have heard a few gents say they will never see any provider twice. They will always see a different provider each and every time they hobby.

Please share with us why this is so. I am interested and curious as to why, if they boast about having such a wonderful time with someone, they will not return no matter what.

Is it because you can only have a thrilling dynamite session once and then all the secrets are out and discovered so there is nothing more to discover? The thrill is over?

Or is there something more or am I just way off?

Throw me a BONE people! LOL


david1978's Avatar
Spreading the seed!
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I really don't think that is representative of most guys. I find the girls I like and keep going back.
coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 05-25-2011, 06:09 PM

I'd love to throw you a bone, but I have a group of a few ladies that I see on a regular basis and see very few new ladies. Been through the kid in a candy store stage and am on a steady diet of outstanding ladies that I know well. That doesn't mean I don't like a different dessert occasionally.
I try to maintain a healthy mix. I LOVE my time with the women I see on a regular basis, and they make each new encounter even more exciting than the last, but the feeling I get when I am meeting a lady for the first time is the single most addictive thing about this hobby.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I tend to repeat if there is one I like.

However maybe one of the reasons they do so is they don't want to get attached. I've heard that before.

Another is because for some it truly is a "hobby". It's a collection, sport or whatever word you want to use.
shorty's Avatar
I tend to stay more with one or two regular ladies than spreading the seed. They know what I like and I feel comfortable with them.
Providers are the problem!!!...they all advertise they are the best ! and being men we cant resist trying to find out!
Even after you find a few lovely ladies you really like you read about one that everyone says is the best and what the hell you finally give in and try it.
Question for the Gentlemen....
First of all, you're assuming there are gentlemen on the board. LOL.

I rarely see the same lady twice. As a matter of fact, it's happened only once.

The reasons are twofold: first, I travel often and widely, and don't have access to the same providers for repeats; and second, if you're relying on posting reviews to retain premium access, you must review different providers.
Pink Floyd's Avatar

I'd love to throw you a bone, but I have a group of a few ladies that I see on a regular basis and see very few new ladies. Been through the kid in a candy store stage and am on a steady diet of outstanding ladies that I know well. That doesn't mean I don't like a different dessert occasionally. Originally Posted by coventricity
This pretty much sums up my viewpoint also. I am seeing one of my favs on Thursday and then a new one on Friday. I get some great discounts from my favs, so why would I not go back?
PAPA JOE's Avatar

I'd love to throw you a bone, but I have a group of a few ladies that I see on a regular basis and see very few new ladies. Been through the kid in a candy store stage and am on a steady diet of outstanding ladies that I know well. That doesn't mean I don't like a different dessert occasionally. Originally Posted by coventricity

what up cov !!!

i agree completely, oh i see a few new ladies all along, but i absolutely prefer seeing ladies i've already met. the relationship is established and the sessions are much better. ... my worst session with a lady is always the first.

just my opinion.
  • Gulf2
  • 05-25-2011, 08:40 PM
I have heard a few gents say they will never see any provider twice. They will always see a different provider each and every time they hobby. Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
I've never heard this before. Most gentlemen seem to favor the practice Papa Joe described.
As Charles said, premium access is a component. Another is married men already have a "steady" at home. Play time is variety time. Years ago, a female friend asked me what kind of woman I liked. I'm a Baskin & Robbins kind of guy, you know...32 flavors, can't get wrapped up with pistachio!
burkalini's Avatar
Some guys like the anticipation of seeing a new girl. It always maybe this one will actually exceed my expectations. To me that's kind of a rainbow chaser. I do like variety but if I find a really good one I will repeat many times with her
MotoMoto's Avatar
I tend to stay more with one or two regular ladies than spreading the seed. They know what I like and I feel comfortable with them. Originally Posted by shorty

But if I lived in Texas.....