My apoligies to the Mods

tatasddd's Avatar
I'd like to offer to the Mods and BSer in particular my apologies regarding a famous former member of the board under "providers".

I WILL NOT ever mention him again , nor will I ever write anything on him.

TO him: as I know he reads this.

I have no hard feelings toward you whatsoever. I have forgiven you what you did with personal information. Not only mine but everybody else's that has trusted you at some point.

Do not think even for a second that you are some BIG DEAL. We all know the sites you pay to to get way outdated information on people.

Today, I didn't even have to pay and I pulled up your full life including your relatives. I won't mention your real names on here as it is against the rules, but YES, I Know who you are and I know where and how to find you if I so need to. Not to mention I also know the real names of at least 5 girls who have worked for you or started out with you and moved to porn.

Never forget that!

Sorry again and apologies to the mods.

This was the end of it. Promise.
berryberry's Avatar

This was the end of it. Promise. Originally Posted by tatasddd
Anyone taking odds?
FFH's Avatar
  • FFH
  • 12-23-2014, 05:55 PM

Awww, tis the season
  • BSer
  • 12-23-2014, 05:58 PM
This thread is nothing more than trying to poke the monkey again. Bringing this subject serves no purpose. Tatas, there was no need to get in the "final word" we are adults here. The final word will come from me....THERE WILL BE NO MORE ON THE DAMES SUBJECT!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
What he said