This Girl Blows A Bigger Load Than Men...Twice!!!

Best parts of this 2:33 minute video:
(1) 1:20 minutes into video (Cum Load #1)
(2) 2:00 minutes into video (Cum Load #2)

Video: Explosion by Latina Cream
Kaboom's Avatar
growler's Avatar
I need a rain coat for her.....but I'm game LOL
Yes, would be super cool for the experience for sure, but if I was a guy dating a girl that did that all the time I think it would just get old having to wash the sheets every damn time we fucked! To fuck her on a continual basis you would need a rain slicker, a tarp and a snorkel LOL. WOW!!!
sipapi's Avatar
Si Papi!!!! Super hot, but did her pussy swallow a small child, that thing is more swollen then my dick after watching it.