Failure to launch, thoughts and opinions?

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So I was reading through a SW subreddit( when I saw a post from a guy getting rather despondent after failing to get it up while seeing a lady. It got me thinking of the couple of times when this has happened to me. Of course it sucks on the client's side, but what do the ladies think of this kind of situation? I know I'm paying for your time, and my failure to get it up is irrelevant. But do you feel bad for taking the money in this situation? At what point do you guys and gals call it quits when something like this happens?
I’m sure I will get an earful ( or an eyeful) for this, but here I go,

No. I don’t feel bad about taking my roses.
It wasn’t my fault.
If you have now, by this point seen ALL of me
And my face has gone from head to toe (ok maybe to your knees lol)
If I have exceeded ANY and ALL options, even taking a pause to find out what might help that may be outside of the predictable box of 4-play ... and then attempting it,
I have done what I could. I have done my part. I have earned it.

As for quitting, you have the entire hour or whichever preferred duration. It’s all of yours to choose the rest of the planning. Want me to keep trying, sure. (W a few short minutes of breaks and rest in between... bathroom break, sips of our drinks, a few minutes of convo then back at it... if they so choose.

So I don’t throw in the towel unless they do. But I never feel bad for taking my agreed upon gift for trying in the time that has been asked for. And I don’t give any back unless absolutely nothing happens. I’m still clothed and they decide to end at 30 mins. In which case I feel I am only entitled half. And I would give back.

See if “its” not working then, FS can’t really work unless you some how “ball it up and stuff it in” lmao. And for a while if that doesn’t help, then we try different things. On many occasions I can read what they really want, but they are trying really hard to respect boundaries and with that comes more stress and more thoughts which leads to less “good hard results” .... when I then feel I have a good read and accurate assumptions I will then suggest myself... how about this, or here let me try this... or would me speaking a certain way help etc... and then 90% of the time... boom success.

In this business it’s not all about what’s happening physically. A lady sometimes has to dig and aim for the man’s brain to then get to the needs and wants that result in bodily comfort and success. A mans thoughts and brain action can hinder their goals causing even more anxiety or discomfort in return. Once thats resolved and they are then fully relaxed or contrarily fully fuckin constricted and fired up... they are motherfuckin ready and I feel good again.

In my own opinion, paragraph above I think helps to recognize that difference between a 20 buck street walker and a rate setting highly experienced companion. You have chances w us. You have time with us. You have options and an open line of communication that can help.

Sure some have failed. Even after trying everything. Do I feel bad about myself. Sure. Do I even say I’m sorry I feel like I didn’t do it right, yes. Do I sometimes feel ugly or inadequate or even rejected, yep. But at zero point do I feel like I need to say, nope times up not happy anymore. Or say, ok dates done, didn’t reach it but here’s your gift back.

Example: one guy just couldn’t. He suggest kissing. Really kissing would help. I went for it, and it even took some time and me really focusing in and proving, I am into you, don’t worry... this is all about you. And kissed more. After some minutes passed, he was his young self again and I once again felt good about myself.

Call it issues, call it symptoms from whatever conclusion you draw up by pure hypothetical reasonable or even unreasonable speculation ... it is what it is. I am a full fledged companion and yes, adverse effects sometimes appear. Feelings of inadequacy or insecurity are all apart of the spectrum. From BOTH parties. You AND me.

It is what it is. But I still won’t give you your rate back after an hour of my hard working time, even if I am so very sorry when we say goodbye. Lol. But trust US, we all have experienced this. Plenty of times. USUALLY though we can pull out our very own stimulating tool kit (no not toys) and can really make shit happen for you.

I’m simply speaking on the few occasions this has happened. (And for most of this, speaking for myself)
guy fawkes's Avatar
@Ez5417 (I may need to spend more time in SA to see the legend again)

It is beyond me why anyone would think a companion might feel bad for accepting their rate in such a scenario. Speaking for myself, no I wouldn't.

Firstly, PIV or PIA isn't the only way someone with a penis can derive sexual pleasure. Suitors who see me get off in a variety of other ways besides penile penetration. If someone can't get / keep it up, it's not necessarily a matter of fault. If it happens, I communicate clearly that it's okay and I'm not blaming them or myself. Instead of dwelling, I inquire about what other activities they'd like to explore.

I've had this happen and I asked my date how he felt about prostate play. He was down, so I put on nitrile gloves, whipped out my Boy Butter and proceeded to give him a massage. He could take more, so I used my Njoy wand as well. Though it was a different type of orgasm, he still had a mind blowing time and ended up cumming. Even if receiving prostate stimulation isn't for everyone, my point is, there are other possibilities..
Ez5417, will you marry me?

Nothing sexier than a lady with a mind that she's not afraid to use!!!!
I’m sure I will get an earful ( or an eyeful) for this, but here I go,

I’m simply speaking on the few occasions this has happened. (And for most of this, speaking for myself) Originally Posted by Ez5417
Truncated for space reasons.

What an awesome answer! When you're on St Mary's sometime, that's worth a margarita at Chisme...
I just fell in LUST with @Ez5417
Ez5417, will you marry me?

Nothing sexier than a lady with a mind that she's not afraid to use!!!! Originally Posted by Anonymous01

“I do”