How to change wording under avatar?

Lauren Flare's Avatar
Currently under my avatar it says "Registered Member" and I want to change it to "Retired" but cannot figure out how to do so. Help, please?
brutusbluto's Avatar
On the left side of panel select

User CP
Under your profile
Edit your details
Under custom user title
Change it to retired

Hope that helps!

Lauren Flare's Avatar
Thank you, Jymie!
On the left side of panel select

User CP
Under your profile
Edit your details
Under custom user title
Change it to retired

Hope that helps!

Jymie Originally Posted by jymie
This option does not seem to be available to me. Also I would like to know how to turn off the last visit info bar under my profile. Thanks. RM
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-02-2010, 06:06 PM
I believe your post count has to get to 20 or 30 before you are able to put in your own caption.
What about turning off the last visit info?
Tex9401's Avatar
I don't see available for me also.

On the left side of panel select

User CP
Under your profile
Edit your details
Under custom user title
Change it to retired

Hope that helps!

Jymie Originally Posted by jymie
  • PT4ME
  • 11-04-2010, 06:49 PM
I don't see available for me also. Originally Posted by Tex9401
+1.... does not seem available to me either

Can a Mod help us out with the info on turning off the last visit box in our profile? It seems some members are able to do this but most cant. I have asked this question several times with out a correct answer. I would like to have my last visit info disabled. How?