Having to constantly refresh

TheBizzer's Avatar
Ok, I'm not that tech savvy, so excuse me if I botch any terminology here.

I do 95% of my browsing on this site using safari on my iPhone. Recently (within the last few months), I've noticed that if I click on a thread, and then use my browser's "back" button, I often times am returned to an old version of the site, i.e. the threads are not current, but rather are the threads from several hours or even days ago. If I hit refresh, it immediately refreshes to the current live site. It only happens when I use the back button, never when I go directly to the site.

My question is, is this normal an a bug in the site, or is it a problem with my iPhone and/or browser? Any ideas on how to fix it? It's not a huge problem, just annoying.

Thanks in advance