Who could be the next Derek Flint?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A few of us were discussing the 1960s spy movies like 007, Man from Uncle, Matt Helm, and Derek Flint. Flint stroke a nerve and it was decided that they should be remade for a new day. But who to play the man himself? Using James Coburn as a template we decided that the actor has to have a sense of real cool about him. Nothing fake or manufactured. He can't be too old (he might have to mark three or four movies) or too young (Flint was a mature man). He has to be in shape, straight, and American.

We decided that Matthew McConaughey was the best fit. What say you? Or maybe you prefer Matt Helm?
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
Remakes are hack and have been done to death. Then you have the fact that this character is a snapshot of a time that no longer even exists. There are no living men that can pull this off either, because anyone that is of age to do so has been co-opted by 40 years of radical feminism an cannot even act like a man. SJW fags would shut it down in a heartbeat, or completely ruin what you were trying for even if you did manage to find this unicorn.