Obama's Ethics Chief Zeroes in on What Could Be the True Purpose for Hunter Biden's Art Scheme

  • oeb11
  • 07-12-2021, 07:01 AM

It's another dirty scheme. After what has been revealed on those emails from Hunter Biden's laptop, should we be shocked? Joe Biden and Hunter are in on these shady government access deals. Joe knows exactly what his crack cocaine-addicted son is doing. It's all about collecting that capital for his retirement. He disperses the schemes to his family. It's a web of corruption that should have been exposed and reported on 24/7 when Hunter's emails were revealed in The New York Post. That was the 2020 October surprise. Instead, it was buried, and the Post got censored by the liberal media and big tech.
So, should we be shocked if the true nature of Hunter's art career is to funnel bribes to Joe Biden? I mean, doesn't anyone find it odd that the Biden White House wants to keep the names of those who buy Hunter's Rembrandt-like works hidden from the public? Obama's ethics czar zeroed in on why this is a problem. It's fertile ground for a bribery network. It's the perfect scheme to do such a thing:
It's the Clinton Foundation all over again to a certain extent. There's the front—which is the Foundation. There's a way for the wealthy and powerful to drop off their checks for favors, and then there's the socioeconomically beneficial event that occurs to the person who wrote said check. The only difference here is that we knew who was cutting the mega checks to the Clintons, which allowed reporters to pinpoint on a timeline when the check was written to the event that benefited the donor. We can't do that with Biden's artwork system.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Yea my thoughts mo money mo money