Romney has his staff looking for Binders full of...............


Which "crybaby" is in the very first "binder?" None other than our very own I. B. Crying.

True to form, I. B. Crying is still weeping his itty, bitty heart out over that big, bad bully named Candy Crowley!

LexusLover's Avatar
Did you happen to see the interview with the Lt. Governor who served with Romney?

Here is Obaminable's choice:

Who even lies about playing football for the University of Delaware .... post debate:

"he recalled visiting Ohio University that day in 1963 because “my football team, the University of Delaware, came to avenge a loss.” "I came, I was a football player," Biden said. "I came here in 1963, and I had to go back, I just double checked my memory – you know, you get my age and you’re not so sure of it, you know, your glory days look more glorious than they really were and all that, so we went back on the Internet and I just want you to know, I came here in October 1963, and we beat you Bobcats 29-12."

"In the CBS snippet above, Biden seems to swallow the word "player" as he says it.
The score was correct, but Breitbart -- which also says it checked yearbooks and Internet databases -- insisted Biden played no part on the field. In fact, it pointed out that in Biden's own memoir, "Promises To Keep: On Life And Politics," he wrote that he gave up playing football before the season even started." Huffington Post report.

On top of lying his debate about the administration still not knowing what happened in Libya.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I have a lot of binders that I use to contain information on many things.
You commies really have to reach on this one, what you say comrade?
You probably like battered women while I eat mine raw..

Did you happen to see the interview with the Lt. Governor who served with Romney?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Clinton would be all of that - Bill or Hill.
Speaking of lying about sports accomplishments.....Ryan claimed a sub-3 hour marathon time. Total fabrication.....
markroxny's Avatar
Pharmaguy729's Avatar
Meanwhile, Obama touts the Lily Ledbetter act and women in his administration make 82% of what their male counterparts make. So just like most high society liberals, they want the law to apply to everyone but them
markroxny's Avatar
In response to a question about equal pay for women during the presidential debate Tuesday night, Republican nominee Mitt Romney boasted that as governor of Massachusetts, he was so frustrated by the lack of qualified female candidates for positions in his cabinet that he sent women’s groups out to actively recruit them.
“I went to a number of women's groups and said, 'Can you help us find folks?' and they brought us whole binders full of women,” he said.
Romney’s account of that story is false, according to two women who led an effort in 2002 to recruit female candidates to high-level appointed positions in Massachusetts. MassGAP, a bipartisan coalition of women’s groups dedicated to increasing the number of women appointed to top government jobs, approached Romney and his Democratic challenger Shannon O’Brien before the 2002 gubernatorial election and pressured them to sign a pledge to appoint more women if elected.
“It was an initiative of women’s organizations, not to force [Romney’s] hand, but to make it be something he had to follow through on,” Carol Hardy-Fanta, former co-chair of MassGAP’s higher education subcommittee, told The Huffington Post the morning following the debate. "He didn't go out looking for these binders.”
Liz Levin, who was the chairwoman of MassGAP at the time, told HuffPost that during the 2002 governor's race, the group spent months identifying, vetting and collecting resumes of qualified women for the high-level appointments.
"They told us ... that they were going to send [the binders] to us,” O’Brien recalled in a Wednesday interview with The Huffington Post. “Whoever won was going to get this."
Levin said Romney had little personal involvement with MassGAP. His campaign had tasked his nominee for lieutenant governor, Kerry Healey, to work with the organization on recruiting women. Healey helped secure Romney's pledge to appoint women, and MassGAP presented the binders and highlighted especially qualified applicants to Healey after Romney was elected.
"We gave them names of people and there was a time that -- I think it was after they had the binder -- we set up a time to talk to them about the people in the binder," Levin recalled.
Not once did Romney meet with MassGAP, Levin said. "I personally thought he was busy," she explained.
In an interview with HuffPost after the debate, Healey -- currently special adviser and foreign policy coordinator for Romney's 2012 campaign -- confirmed that MassGAP had been working with the Romney campaign before he was elected governor. She said Romney had "let it be known" that he was interested in hiring women and minorities.
While Romney did initially follow through on his promise to appoint more women to top positions-- 14 out of 33 of his appointments during his first two years in office were women-- O'Brien asserted that many of the most important jobs still went to men. For example, Romney tapped his former Bain Capital partner Eric Kriss as his secretary of administration and finance. O'Brien said that Romney's female appointments weren't "anything that was remarkable."
Hardy-Fanta challenges the validity of the 2004 SUNY Albany survey Romney cited on Tuesday, which he said, “concluded that mine had more women in senior leadership positions than any other state in America.” She explained that the results were likely skewed because each governor was allowed to decide how far down the employment ranks they could count female hires. “For instance, [Romney] included the assistant to deputy press secretary as a position in his inner circle,” she said. “Because they didn't specify what types of positions were uniform across states, it was pretty easy to move pretty far down the rank and find more women at the lower levels.”
Moreover, Romney’s appointments of women to top-level positions began to taper off after his first two years in office. "Prior to the 2002 election, women comprised approximately 30 percent of appointed senior-level positions in Massachusetts government," MassGAP said in a statement on Wednesday. "By 2004, 42 percent of the new appointments made by the Romney administration were women. Subsequently, however, from 2004-2006 the percentage of newly-appointed women in these senior appointed positions dropped to 25 percent."
Hardy-Fanta found similar figures in a 2007 statistical analysis she conducted.
“Our conclusion was, you have hold his feet to the fire year after year,” she said. “He can’t just do it during election season when he’s going to get a lot of press for it.”
markroxny's Avatar
LovingKayla's Avatar
Did you guys know that 89% of stats are made up on the spot.

Another fun fact... 8% of the general populous trusts the media. That's pretty fraking bad.

OK Nipples I have this ongoing thing shysterjon. He says I side with democrats on the abortion issue because I say it should be ok for obvious reasons like rape, incest and harm to the mother. (I'm not debating real rape bs with any of you.) I do not believe in a "womans right to choose to kill her baby." I don't know ANYONE on either side that doesn't believe a pregnancy termination for any of those three things is a bad thing, we just don't believe killing that baby because she fucked up.... literally. Come on Fuzzy cuteness...
markroxny's Avatar

OK Nipples I have this ongoing thing shysterjon. He says I side with democrats on the abortion issue because I say it should be ok for obvious reasons like rape, incest and harm to the mother. (I'm not debating real rape bs with any of you.) I do not believe in a "womans right to choose to kill her baby." I don't know ANYONE on either side that doesn't believe a pregnancy termination for any of those three things is a bad thing, we just don't believe killing that baby because she fucked up.... literally. Come on Fuzzy cuteness... Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Hey stinky.

Well if you have exceptions on abortion you better not vote for Romney Ryan, here is why. Romney claims he has the exceptions, however...Ryan does not, and he would be one heart beat away from the presidency. Also, Do you really think Romney would not sign the "personhood" amendment? Do you really think he won't appoint judges that would overturn roe v wade? He's already said he would de-fund planned parent hood.

So yes, you DO know someone who believes that abortion is a bad thing even for the 3 exceptions...his name is Paul Ryan.....the man who said rape is just another form of conception...and if the truth be told, Romney does too. He's just trying to get elected.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
This is just the same kind of BS that has turned the women away in droves for Obama.

Keep up the good work bt!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Off the Mark is on the cutting edge of bullshit. Need a "convenient" fact made up on the spot just call the Obama team. I'll say it again just to hear him cry, I think he works for Obama and gets paid to post here.
markroxny's Avatar
Off the Mark is on the cutting edge of bullshit. Need a "convenient" fact made up on the spot just call the Obama team. I'll say it again just to hear him cry, I think he works for Obama and gets paid to post here. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

And that proves that you are the biggest idiot on the board.