
Here's the transcript of the question:

Jon Stewart: “Is part of the investigation helping the communication between these divisions? Not just what happened in Benghazi, but what happened within. Because I would say, even you would admit, it was not the optimal response, at least to the American people, as far as all of us being on the same page."

POTUS: "Here’s what I’ll say. If four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal. We’re going to fix it. All of it. And what happens, during the course of a presidency, is that the government is a big operation and any given time something screws up. And you make sure that you find out what’s broken and you fix it. Whatever else I have done throughout the course of my presidency the one thing that I’ve been absolutely clear about is that America’s security comes, and the American people need to know exactly how I make decisions when it comes to war, peace, security, and protecting Americans. And they will continue to get that over the next four years of my presidency."

Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/barack-oba...#ixzz29gpBjycn
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Romney is not winning the election. Obama is losing it, by stupid statements like this. Now he has one final debate - foreign policy. Obama's record there is dismal, at best. There is no way he can defend his record, and he can't answer "I killed OBL" to every question.

Obama is in deep, deep trouble.
POTUS: "We’re going to fix it"

Sorry but those people are dead.

What's worse? You, President Obama, threw the First Amendment under the bus to cover up your mistake and appease our enemies.

No Mr President, you can't fix stupid. President Romney will need to fix this and your other mistakes.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So is half of Al Qaedas leadership. So are thousands of Americans who died behind Bush's imaginary war.

How pathetic are you boys?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, the Internet is BLOWING UP on that sentence. I just watched it. Sorry boys. It was a good interview and POTUS acquitted himself well discussing a tough subject. Stewart said it wasn't optimal and Obama played off that. Amazing bullshit, guys. another paper tiger from the toothless pussies!

Now grow the fuck up ASSHATS!

BTW -- I hear tomorrow Ryan will be getting his Horns up in Oklahoma.
cptjohnstone's Avatar

BTW -- I hear tomorrow Ryan will be getting his Horns up in Oklahoma. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
his wife is from Oklahoma, so what is your point, 12yo?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's why he fucked up with Weeden, eh? She was too busy washing clean dishes.

The point really is that this thread is based on nothing.

and that's not Optimal, asshat!