Martin Sheen and Woody Harrelson set for 9/11 'truther' film September Morn

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Two liberal icons are doing a 911 "truther" movie. Are all of you libtards 911 truthers?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Wellendowed is a "Truther".

And Harrelson, Asner and Martin Sheen will blame W for your Bldg 7, COG.

Another movie NOT on my "must see" list.
joe bloe's Avatar
They should pass out doobies, at the screenings. You won't fully appreciate the experience unless you're stoned. It's sort of like wearing 3D glasses.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-18-2012, 06:37 PM
Truthers and Birthers should be all exiled to the nearest leper colony!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
They should pass out doobies, at the screenings. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I wouldn't waste a good joint on such tripe. let's face it does anyone really think Bush, not exactly the brightest bulb in the light bulb factory, could actually pull off a conspiracy of this magnitude? Not.

Popular Mechanics has methodically debunked every conspiracy theory those two idiots and Woody/Ed/Sheen could possibly think of.

the real tragedy of 9/11 is the failure of senior FBI officials to listen to and take action on the best resource at their disposal. The FBI field agents who reported on the terrorists attending flight school in Minnesota and were not even smart enough to be convincing pilot trainees. All they were interested in was how to fly a plane into a building.

and that's ignoring the fact they all should have never been allowed into the USA in the first place,.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But Woody and Martin are LIBERALS! I thought liberals were always right?