Did I missing it or was there any mention of this at the DNC convention??

The RNC convention NEEDS to talk about this as often as possible at the convention so the the voters of this country can see the contrast between a law and order party in a civilized society and a barbaric society rife with anarchy run by a lawless mob party.
P.S. I'd post an article from the LSM...but we know that doesn't exist...wonder why??


Tucker Carlson: The real reason mobs across the country ...
Jun 23, 2020 · Tucker: Why mobs are tearing down America's monuments On Monday, a mob attempted to knock down a statue of Andrew Jackson. They spray-painted the base, trying to …

George Washington Just Got Cancelled and None of This Is ...
Jun 19, 2020 · With that worldview, why wouldn’t these mobs want to destroy the country? And that’s exactly what they are going to continue trying to do. Front-page contributor for RedState. Visit my archives for more of my latest articles and help out by following me on Twitter @bonchieredstate.

Nancy Pelosi and Democrats have it exactly wrong on feds ...
Jul 21, 2020 · In all the cities around the country where nihilistic mobs aren’t trying to burn down symbols of our justice system, there’s no enhanced presence of federal officers.

The Monument Mobs Don’t Hate The Confederacy, They Hate ...
Jun 15, 2020 · Angry mobs are tearing down and defacing monuments across America. They make no distinction between Confederate and Union, abolitionist and …

The Left Will Destroy America to Regain Power - American ...
Jun 11, 2020 · Because if the Democrats cannot steal the election “fairly,” they will burn this country to the ground. The charge of “Racism” is both a weapon and a shield. Leftist mayors and governors arrest...

Give The Liberal Mob What It Wants And ‘Defund’ Police
Jun 04, 2020 · Honestly, if you told any of these mobs around the country that they could bring George Floyd back from the dead or get Donald Trump out of office, George wouldn’t stand any more of a …

Newt Gingrich: George Floyd riots -- how to stop the mob ...
Six nights of violent riots and looting in America's major cities, following the horrific death of George Floyd last week, have gripped the nation. The liberal news media wants to ignore the depth ...

George Soros, 89, is still on a quest to destroy America ...
eccieuser9500's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
9500's Self-Portrait
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
why do u feel embarrassed?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
How funny. Goodnight and fuck off.
HedonistForever's Avatar
If Trump manages his law and order theme properly and this violence continues and continues to get worse all the way to Nov 2nd, be prepared for a second term of Trump. I can only imagine the wailing that will take place and this time, some of those people that said they would leave, just might. Good riddance.

And Democrats will turn to each other and ask "how could this happen"? Easy, you didn't speak to the actual needs of the people at the time they needed to hear that you were listening and you weren't because you were to concerned about winning and not the safety of the people you want to govern.
  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2020, 09:54 AM
Trump and Republicans need to spread the message that DPST's are enabling adn fomenting Racism, and have completely abandoned any pretense of enforcing law and Order with their Disband Police stands.

They are using disorder to set up their Planned marxist revolution - Venezuela style.
apologists like SR who think "Democratic Socialism" does not interfee with capitalism - And Freedom and Law and Order - cast a blind eye of DENIAL on the reality of what DPST run cities are - cess pools and shit holes of riots, looting, and burning. And the DPST's in DC love it that they have their Plantations votes to depend on.

If SR thnks AOC, and her squad, and the rest of the DPST's can co-exist with capitalism - wait until Lizzie gets hold of the American Stock market and economy, and AOC the head of EPA - and you will see what a Socialist government autocratically does to destroy the greatest country in the world. And turn it into a Venezuela - Because Marxist ideology matters to the DPST's - Uber Alles .

and when they come for you sr - there will be no one to speak for you.

Me - I will die with my ac556 in hand - smoking and hot.

SomeOne pass 9500 a Tanq and tonic, please.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe it happened, maybe I missed it, maybe it was tucked into some virtual corner someplace no one could see in prime time...but where was the traditional tribute to the United States military and first responders. On that topic, where was the tribute to those brave men and women who manned the cash registers and restocked the shelves when our congress hid in their basements?
  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2020, 10:38 AM
Riots, ooting, seizure of homes and property, assault, rape, murder - these are all just normal political tools useful for the DPST's.

They want to disaband all police forces - and subject America to riotous anarchy as a prelude to a Marxist coup and impsition of marxism.

I am very surprised - they have not yet clamored to "Disband the Secret Service" - with their TDSand Trump hate - perhaps it is buried in a budge proposal somewhere.

DPST's - take note - a great election plank for your platform - 'disband teh secret Service" - trump will no longer have protection - and counterfeitng will not be prosecuted - and DPST'a can print all teh fake money they want. to support their marxist plans - and George soros can then keep more of his capitalistically acquired fortune.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
All they did was bitch about T R U M P. That entire convention was a bitch fest. All they do is bitch.

God damn trans Michelle pretending to cry because the people elected T R U M P. That was so god damn stupid.

I'd say the major reason I'm voting for T R U M P is just to continue to watch these people freak the fuck out and expose themselves as manipulative liars.
  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2020, 11:01 AM
DPST 's are all about blmeing Trump and making the election about their TDS and Trump hate.

They do not want to expose the radical Marxist plans they have for America - promoted by AOC , soros, and the Marxist radicals.

They want to hide who they are from America - until it is too late, and the only remedy for the Marxist authoritarain government they impose will be Civil War.

Keep your Arms - America -- Fuck Beta Beto and his gun grab.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The crazy thing is, I think a lot of people buy into it. Just take this racism crap that's been beaten to death already, for example. So many people bought into that. It lead to nationwide riots, over 30 people murdered and thousands of buildings destroyed. It was all based on a lie, but there is a huge population that believe in it, and even corporations and politicians funding it. They are just useful idiots, but we are seeing now that with the support of politicians and big businesses, they wield a lot of power. I'm just amazed that people buy into it so easily.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The useful Idiots believe the box Cnn/LSM sad really
HoeHummer's Avatar


Again you hijack a thread with yous off topic nonsense ASSWIPE...you never add anything of substance. Yous do what yous best at...retarded memes...yous useless idiot ASSWIPE.