Did bitten plagiarize and steal from the dead during his acceptance speech...AGAIN??

This ol'goat is at it again and taking it to a new level...STEALING FROM THE DEAD!!
The the leftwingers from Canada are hammering his ass...hows about yous "HoseHummer"...the fake canuck??

Did He Do It Again? Biden Accused of Plagiarizing Part of His DNC Speech
Posted at 10:00 pm on August 21, 2020 by Nick Arama

The DNC Convention finished last night with nominee Joe Biden delivering his acceptance speech.

He managed to deliver the address, reading from the teleprompter, with only a couple of gaffes and not tripping, which the media trumpeted as a success.

As Van Jones admitted, the media would have praised whatever came out of his mouth.

But it turns out there may have been just a little bit more to some of those words that came out of his mouth. As in maybe they weren’t his own words, but stolen from someone else.

When Biden delivered his speech last night, some Canadians sat up in their seats when they heard these lines: “For love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. And light is more powerful than dark.”

Because to them it sounded a lot like the words of Canadian leftist politician Jack Layton in a letter he wrote before he died in 2011. “My friends, love is better than anger,” Layton said. “Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair.”

Folks on the left immediately raised questions over the speech.


From The Post Millennial:

Trans activist Sophia Banks wrote, “Jack Layton is trending. One of Canada’s most beloved politicians. As Biden butchers his dying words left to us”

Sandy Hudson, a Black Lives Matter activist, added “So very very Jack Layton.”


“Jack Layton” trended on Twitter as Canadians discussed the question.

This isn’t the first time that Biden has been accused of plagiarizing. Old habits may die hard.

Throughout the campaign, he has come up with ideas after President Donald Trump has already had them or put them into place, either just claiming them as his own outright or, perhaps as bad, alternatively, not even being aware of what was actually being done by Trump.

In 1987, Biden had to drop out of his first presidential run, after he was busted for lying shamelessly about his academic record after yelling at a voter about how much smarter he was then him, as well as plagiarizing the Irish politician Neil Kinnock in a speech. Biden also admitted that he plagiarized a paper in law school.

From National Post:

Kinnock’s speech said, “Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to university? Why is Glenys (his wife) the first woman in her family in a thousand generations to be able to get to university? Was it because all our predecessors were thick?”

Biden’s speech said, “I started thinking as I was coming over here, why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? Why is it that my wife who is sitting out there in the audience is the first in her family to ever go to college? Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright?”
Look at the lies and the nastiness here:


He even lied about being marching/being active in the civil rights movement.


But that’s just a small sample.

Biden has a history of gaffes, questionable comments and lies. He said in 2007 that Barack Obama was “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Recently of course, he said told Charlamagne tha God, “You ain’t black” if you didn’t vote for him.

At what point do people just say, whether he has cognitive deficit now or not, he just has a long history of being a bald-faced liar?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
well. that is not surprising.

he's a plagiarizer extraordinaire. not that anyone gives a shit.

I am surprised that he pulled this stunt this late.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Fire that speech writer immediately.

Seriously, all that talk about light and dark. I wasn't sure if I was watching Gandalf or Melisandre from Game of Thrones.
  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2020, 10:31 AM
Relax - no matter what - the DPST's suport their placekeeper - he is there as a puppet to get K harris into the Oval Office - a hard core radical Marxist who hides her stands - for good reason . Harris could never be elected by an honest and open election in America as POTUS. She is a radical Marxist - and does not represent the people's opinions or desires in life.

Her aim is a Venezuela style communist government with her heading the nomenklatura - just as Maduro and Venezuela.

and like AOC - harris suports Maduro.

It does not really matter - if alive - biden will stand for election Nov 3.

Vote biden - the last time You will ever have the right to vote in a free election again.

If 9500 is up - He does also love his marxism and harris.

get him another Tanq and tonic!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Fire that speech writer immediately.

Seriously, all that talk about light and dark. I wasn't sure if I was watching Gandalf or Melisandre from Game of Thrones. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
They pander to people's emotions, because they have no real substance to offer.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Ask Melania what plagiarisms sound like, beebsy, you angry little man.

She’s been stealing from the dead ever since she held out for a new prenup, eh!

And the knows what’s up in Canada. So does her anchor husband.
That's your worthless input as always ASSWIPE you FAKE canuke!!
Yous have nothing on THE TOPIC of yous man bitten up to his old lowlife tricks??
  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2020, 01:44 PM
Say bb - hh/yr is a master Troll Baiter - no need to let him upset you

It is what it does.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Biden is a retarded child used as a puppet and liberals are dumber than a box of hammers for nominating him.

Fucking dumb fuck can't put two sentences together without fucking up.
Even Obama didn't want to endorse him but had to under pressure of the libtards.

  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2020, 02:05 PM
IMHO - the real nominee the DNC (not biden) put in place is Harris - she is to inherit the Oval Office promptly if biden wins.
And - she is a radical Marxist terrorist - who refuses to divulge her Ideology to America so it can be hidden from the public.

That is the DPST radical plan - and biden won't last six months after inauguration - if biden wins.
Biden didn't plagiarize. He lacks the mental capacity to write a speech at this point.

His speechwriter plagiarized, if anyone.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Biden did not write the speech any more than Trump will write the speeches he delivers this week.
Biden didn't plagiarize. He lacks the mental capacity to write a speech at this point.

His speechwriter plagiarized, if anyone. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
Yes, that is the case. Of course, so much stuff is recorded on the internet these days you can likely accidently plagiarize shit unintentionally.

Ask not what you have plagiarized for your speeches...
HoeHummer's Avatar
LOLLING! It is comical to listen to Trumpholians repeatings the same talking points every fucking day.

The “Biden is senile” narrative is perhaps the funniest.

He’s old, sure, but he’s got his shit together and stands for something. He’s seems to have a track record of governance and responsibility and a story none of yous boys can relate to,

Trump is almost as old, in fucking awful shape — the piece of shit can’t even walk down a long ramp or stairs without watching his feet. He is functionally illiterate and hasn’t put in a hard days work in his life.

He embraces whacked out conspiracies and can’t pronounce half of the words he pieces together on a teleprompter. Like Yo Semite. Or Minneananapolis. The idiot reads letter by letter, not word by word. He can’t see the teleprompter, but would rather lean in than wear the classes he needs.

A total fucking disaster.

He’s also botched every tough decision he’s had to make, blurting outs knee jerk reactions on Twitter from his golden toilet, then doubling down on them rather than admitting ignorance or even that he was mistaken.

His family fucking hates his fat ass for always being the insensitive, lying, amoral piece of shit we’ve seen the part three and a half years ... and one of them was a federal judge who liklay quit her job rather than serve a lifetime appointments under her brother tyrannical regime.

But yous attack Biden”s competence?

It isn’t Biden who’s lost his mind, boys. It’d be yous!

Next talking point?

Someone please defend Trumps attack on Bidens faith.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
hoey. you sure know how to wheedle and wheeze.