Biden to ABC's Robin Roberts: 'I don't want to defund' the police, but Trump does

  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2020, 01:58 PM

OOOPs - biden is sending the Progressive Agenda to Trump to enact - of all folks. Won't AOC and her mob of 'Progressives" ( read-Marxist terrorists supporters) Be royally pissed at Biden for giving away one of their DPST talking points. And WORSE - Biden does not want to 'Defund or Disaband Polic Departments" - how are the people in Seattle and Portland going to handle this - more riots, looting, and arson - not to mention DPST enabled rape and murder???
Of course - its' what DPST's Do!!!
Will We see the 'Progressives " Voting Trump instead of Biden ???
I do hope so!

In his first interview as the Democratic presidential nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden refuted President Donald Trump's claim that he wants to "defund the police" and argued that Trump supports cutting programs that would help fund local police departments.
"President Trump says that you want to defund the police. Do you?" asked "Good Morning America" co-anchor Robin Roberts in an interview conducted Friday in Wilmington, Delaware.
"No I don't," Biden said, laughing.
Biden said that while he doesn't want to "defund the police," he does want to eliminate misconduct and discriminatory practices.ORE: 'All of us': Biden appeals for unity, as Democrats underscore stakes on convention's final night: ANALYSIS
"I don't want to defund police departments. I think they need more help, they need more assistance, but that, look, there are unethical senators, there are unethical presidents, there are unethical doctors, unethical lawyers, unethical prosecutors, there are unethical cops. They should be rooted out," Biden later added.
"By the way, he proposes cutting a half a billion dollars of local police support," Biden added, seemingly referring to the Trump administration's proposed cuts to a federal program that helps hire more local law enforcement officers.

The exchange was part of a wide-ranging interview with Roberts conducted alongside Sen. Kamala Harris, Biden's running mate and the first woman of color on a major party's presidential ticket.
Biden highlighted his proposed plans for police reform. He called for national standards for "every police department in the country," making police misconduct records more readily available and eliminating perceived conflicts of interest by moving police misconduct cases out of jurisdiction to prevent prosecutors who regularly work with police officers from trying misconduct cases for those same officers.
There can't be any "moderates" left who will fall for that. I know he got traction with that "fine people" hoax, but he's pressing his luck.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Biden to ABC's Robin Roberts: 'I don't want to defund' the police, but Trump does Originally Posted by oeb11

he was for not defunding the police, then he was for defunding the police now he's not for defunding the police.

this is going cause a whiplash for some libs. lol!

looks like he lost the BLM vote.

I just can't see him weening without the blm and sanders voters.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden never was a far left democrat let alone a progressive. the radical players behind the scenes are working overtime trying to keep Joey "on script".

it ain't working

Munchmasterman's Avatar
When was Biden for defunding the police?
trump claimed he was but that doesn't mean shit. You should be able to find a quote saying that.

From Politifact:
"President Donald Trump repeatedly claimed that Democratic rival Joe Biden wants to "defund the police." But there was no record of Biden taking that position at the time of Trump’s claims, and Biden has since rejected the idea through a spokesman and in a TV interview."

You know what I can't understand is why you lazy bastards don't look any of this shit up.
You hear it from a trumpy and then you repeat it.
It's obvious that people like obewan, who put down a public school education, and then prove it was wasted on them. Or the school they went to kept telling them how much better it was and obe went along with it.
They just keep repeating the same shit (something someone else told them to say) over and over. If they actually provide a link, just as often as not there is something deep in the link that refutes their point. Because they don't like to read a lot.

obe is the poster child for the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

he was for not defunding the police, then he was for defunding the police now he's not for defunding the police.

this is going cause a whiplash for some libs. lol!

looks like he lost the BLM vote.

I just can't see him weening without the blm and sanders voters. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
video clip of interview. biden speaks at 1:00
HedonistForever's Avatar
If you watch that interview, watch what happens when Biden says he is not for defunding the police, ( just taking away money that would be used to hire more police and train them better ) and he says he is for helping the police and Commala, nods her head in approval. I'll better she was choking behind that smile.

Let's be honest here. Democrats do the same thing when they suggest that this or that Republican said something and it is automatically attributed to Trump. Same thing here. While Biden never used the word defund, many officials in the Democrat party have used the word defund and even abolish.

But what is cutting one billion dollars from the police budget in New York which means no new police recruits and less training, if not defunding the police? They say they want more social workers. Will they be police with police authority to arrest and defend themselves with weapons if necessary? What happens when these social workers get shot and killed answering domestic dispute calls?

So a couple of social workers and a tow truck should have been sent to Wendy's that eventful night, huh? And what if Mr. Brooks being to inebriated to drive decided looking at these two unarmed social workers, that he was going to drive anyway and hit and killed somebody leaving the parking lot? Think the police department wouldn't be sued for that? Will drunk driving under the Biden administration no longer be a crime? How do we suppose Mothers Against Drunk Drivers will respond to that? No matter how many times you drive drunk, you will never see the inside of a jail, until you kill somebody of course.
LexusLover's Avatar
When was Biden for defunding the police?

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You need to quit jabbering so much and do a little more LISTENING!

Here's the short, JUNIOR!

Taking money out of the local police department budget and shifting it over to some bullshit "feel-good" program of the CommunistSocialistLiberalAntiT rumpers is ..... "DEFUNDING" the police .... it's just your dementia-saturated candidate is spoon fed his pablum to drool down his chin while trying to change the color of his skin to blend in with the today's interview.

Etch this vision in what's left of your brain:

The above is YOUR CANDIDATE while he was Vice President!!!! You don't have to dig up a 35-year-old yearbook.

Or a 20-year-old hooker story to extort some money.

They are coming for you .... JUNIOR!

HoeHummer's Avatar
You need to quit jabbering so much and do a little more LISTENING!

Here's the short, JUNIOR!

Taking money out of the local police department budget and shifting it over to some bullshit "feel-good" program of the CommunistSocialistLiberalAntiT rumpers is ..... "DEFUNDING" the police .... it's just your dementia-saturated candidate is spoon fed his pablum to drool down his chin while trying to change the color of his skin to blend in with the today's interview.

Etch this vision in what's left of your brain:

The above is YOUR CANDIDATE while he was Vice President!!!! You don't have to dig up a 35-year-old yearbook.

Or a 20-year-old hooker story to extort some money.

They are coming for you .... JUNIOR!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
And this is YOUR candidate Wacky!

Etch that into your brain. You support this guy and every sordid, horrible thing he stands for. I believe Americans will take hair sniffing over rape and human trafficking.

What is your next attack? Don’t yous see? Trump supporters attacking Biden won’t win. Bidens worse mistakes over a half century in public service don’t crack the top ten of t.rump’s weekly disasters.

  • oeb11
  • 08-23-2020, 09:13 AM
DPST Biden supporters have amazing abilities to deny and deflect the reality of what harris has planned for them and the US - radical marxism
vote - Biden - the last time you will ever Vote!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And this is YOUR candidate Wacky!

Etch that into your brain. You support this guy and every sordid, horrible thing he stands for. I believe Americans will take hair sniffing over rape and human trafficking.

What is your next attack? Don’t yous see? Trump supporters attacking Biden won’t win. Bidens worse mistakes over a half century in public service don’t crack the top ten of t.rump’s weekly disasters.

LOLLING! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
so what's the over/under you'll get banned again before the election? because you'll certainly get banned again when Trump wins.

remember .. this is your candidate ..

come on man! you know the thing, right?

HedonistForever's Avatar
What's the biggest lie being told this election season?

The biggest lie being told right now by Democrats and the media ( again in this mornings paper ) is that Commala Harris is a moderate. Nothing could be further from the truth. I can't remember the name of the official site that tracks the voting of Senators but it had Harris as the most liberal person in the Senate and she beats Sanders and Pocahontas in that regard.

Guess what, if you are further left than Sanders and Warren, you are not a moderate and no matter how many times, how many people say it, it isn't true.

Think the Trump campaign will use this against Commala in the campaign calling 18 to 24 year olds "really stupid, who make really bad decisions". Like voting for you?

And here unfortunately, is the truth of that statement.
HedonistForever's Avatar
OH! How Commala has changed. You have to see this!

"There is a reason I have 3 padlocks on my front door" says Commala. I guess Commala thinks things have improved dramatically. NOT!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Wow they just can't keep joey from fucking things up , BUT of a matter of course the LSM will ignore
HoeHummer's Avatar
Rexsy, even yous couldn’t fuck things up worse than Trump. But I see yous share his level of readings comprehensive, maybe yous should run for POTUS. maybe yous ARE POTUS!

What part of De Nile are you floating in?