What do you think this is Congressman? The democratic party?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Republican Congressman Radel is going to return to Congress next week. This is following his Prohibited topic CC arrest and his addiction "treatment". This is not the democratic party. Contact your Republican representative and demand expulsion or at the very least (we are talking Boehner) censure. I don't care if he did run as a Tea Party candidate, he is a scumbag and we expect better than the democrats do.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Discuss the overall topic without the specifics please.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-04-2014, 08:04 AM

Republican Congressman Radel is going to return to Congress next week. This is following his Prohibited topic CC arrest and his addiction "treatment". This is not the democratic party. Contact your Republican representative and demand expulsion or at the very least (we are talking Boehner) censure. I don't care if he did run as a Tea Party candidate, he is a scumbag and we expect better than the democrats do.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
An admirable sentiment, Admiral, though the gratuitous insult was irritating.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is a topic that is mentioned in the newspaper. Can we talk about Michael Jackson without mentioning his bedroom activites?

As for the insult, just pointing out the historical truth. The democratic party has protected drug users, drunks, cheats, pederasts, and deviants. Don't try to tell us that the GOP has done the same. Mark Foley was shown the door and he didn't consumate. Spiro Agnew was abandoned. Richard Nixon was advised to leave when he did. Larry Craig was separated from the party. Care to tell the class what happened with Bill Clinton, Barney Franks, Gerry Studds, Charlie Rangel, Jesse Jackson Jr., any Kennedy, Robert Toricelli, or Cynthia McKinney?