Police Sting Beechnut

Sorry for the no details but anyone hear of a police sting on beechnut this afternoon?
lol aren't you the ABC man? Like the news? JK... Im sure everyone saw that there was a young lady on the news this am that they are looking for that they feel was trafficked in Houston especially since the lady is from Missouri City.

I would post the link but, idk about the rules these days on that.
Click 2 Houston has the info. I bet that's the cause of disturbances.
Be Safe Everybody!
boardman's Avatar
They automatically go there with the trafficking angle.
She has run away from home multiple times in the last year alone.
Do the media, cops, rescue groups, anyone really think she's being "trafficked" in her own home town? I'd think the first thing a trafficker would want to do is get her as far away from family, friends, sites, sounds, and comforts of home, etc, to which she can easily return, as quickly as possible.
I'll say it again.... aside from murder, trafficking is the worst thing one person can do to another. Hell, it might be worse than murder. She's got problems but trafficking by some ominous and omnipotent person or group of people intending on selling her into sexual slavery isn't one of them.
The reason they go with the trafficking angle is that way the feds bankroll all these operations...
Trafficking is a federal crime and prostitution isn't.
  • pxmcc
  • 07-03-2019, 02:36 PM
trafficking is the word of the day because who could in good conscience oppose anti-"trafficking" measures?
azteclust's Avatar
Where did you hear about it. I don't see anything online news
Had a friend get approached by a lady at Bank of America on beechnut. He spoke to her drove off then immediately got arrested for prostitution. Fucked up.
There is more to that story then what he told you...
azteclust's Avatar
I think is fake news, there nothing i hear about it to back it up
I think is fake news, there nothing i hear about it to back it up Originally Posted by azteclust
Click 2 Houston has the info OR
Its simple to google "Missouri city trafficked".

boardman's Avatar
trafficking is the word of the day because who could in good conscience oppose anti-"trafficking" measures? Originally Posted by pxmcc
Exactly! That gal appears no more trafficked than I am.
Exactly! That gal appears no more trafficked than I am. Originally Posted by boardman
I agree also BM, nobody traffics a old man with fast growing ear hair. Unfortunately its a excuse to have a few more gents faces on the 6pm news AND to gather funds to harass the rest of the ppl who partake in Hobby. Its political B.s

But, there is a chance that something went wrong. Nobody knows. No one should be quick to judge nor say where she is/her situation. There are "folks" everywhere looking for ladies in her situation and take advantage.
boardman's Avatar
Of course there's a chance. I just think it's a slim one.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
I agree also BM, nobody traffics a old man with fast growing ear hair. Originally Posted by TexasJess
LOL she is never gonna forget about that ear hair