Obama sat on his hands and let them be killed.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Reports from the Daily Beast (a real liberal site) that Obama refused to make a decision to rescue our hostages and this is not the first time that this has been alledged. So he just stood by and let them die like he was going to be the first guy through the door instead of being safely back on the golf course instead of letting the professionals do their job.



All hail! Hail Obama, the feckless mad boy-king.
Damn British professionals, didn't follow up on their intel.
Tough decision. I wonder what you'd be posting if he sent our troops out on some op that got them and the hostages killed. Pretty much the same as you are posting now? How Obama fucked everything up? Get it? This is why you have zero credibility.

You're a fucking disgrace if you truly ever served. You were one of those posers who never picked up a rifle. Might as well have been delivering pizzas. Fuck you.
Tough decision. I wonder what you'd be posting if he sent our troops out on some op that got them and the hostages killed. Pretty much the same as you are posting now? How Obama fucked everything up? Get it? This is why you have zero credibility.

You're a fucking disgrace if you truly ever served. You were one of those posers who never picked up a rifle. Might as well have been delivering pizzas. Fuck you. Originally Posted by timpage
He acts like being president is playing a video game. You can't make decisions based on emotion. All I ever see from him is anger. If he'd sent them and it all went to shit, he'd be doing just what you said. Damned if you, damned if you don't.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Tough decision. I wonder what you'd be posting if he sent our troops out on some op that got them and the hostages killed. Pretty much the same as you are posting now? How Obama fucked everything up? Get it? This is why you have zero credibility.

You're a fucking disgrace if you truly ever served. You were one of those posers who never picked up a rifle. Might as well have been delivering pizzas. Fuck you. Originally Posted by timpage

Obvious you never served. They didn't even try and that should be a crime. Just like Benghazi. Notice the trend?
Obvious you never served. They didn't even try and that should be a crime. Just like Benghazi. Notice the trend? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So now they're NOT supposed to follow orders? I'm confused. Were you at Benghazi? How the hell do you know what happened? Because some conspiracy website you go to told you so?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Are you confused? Take a right, walk two blocks, hang a left at the statue and you've arrived at the asylum. Enjoy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is the President who takes selfies on BuzzFeed while the world is on fire.
LexusLover's Avatar
Tough decision. Originally Posted by timpage
If Obaminable were taken hostage by the "jv," what would be the response?
rioseco's Avatar
If Obaminable were taken hostage by the "jv," what would be the response? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I have no doubt that for starters, there would be alot of ass kissing and apologizing,
LexusLover's Avatar
I have no doubt that for starters, there would be alot of ass kissing and apologizing, Originally Posted by rioseco
Actually, I think Biden would just dispatch another seek and rescue operation.

The first staging area would be the nearest golf course.
You're so blind to any reason and logic that it's totally lost on you... you've made up your mind before the information is even all in.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-14-2015, 08:10 AM
Reports from the Daily Beast (a real liberal site) that Obama refused to make a decision to rescue our hostages and this is not the first time that this has been alledged. So he just stood by and let them die like he was going to be the first guy through the door instead of being safely back on the golf course instead of letting the professionals do their job.



All hail! Hail Obama, the feckless mad boy-king. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So you want our military to start heading off on rescue mission based on foreign intelligence? Below from your own link.

But a U.S. official said that inside the White House, Obama’s senior national-security advisers were not willing to base a raid on intelligence developed by a foreign service. “The issue was that they didn’t trust it, and they wanted to develop and mature the intelligence, because it wasn’t our own,” said the U.S. official, who asked to remain anonymous when discussing sensitive hostage-rescue efforts.
So you want our military to start heading off on rescue mission based on foreign intelligence? Below from your own link.

But a U.S. official said that inside the White House, Obama’s senior national-security advisers were not willing to base a raid on intelligence developed by a foreign service. “The issue was that they didn’t trust it, and they wanted to develop and mature the intelligence, because it wasn’t our own,” said the U.S. official, who asked to remain anonymous when discussing sensitive hostage-rescue efforts. Originally Posted by WTF
Don't try to bring truth and logic to the argument. These are foreign concepts. Bush lied based on foreign intelligence, dragging us into a war. THAT, he's ok with. Now we're supposed to just start shooting from the hip based on foreign intelligence? Didn't we learn our lesson?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-14-2015, 09:07 AM
Don't try to bring truth and logic to the argument. These are foreign concepts. Bush lied based on foreign intelligence, dragging us into a war. THAT, he's ok with. Now we're supposed to just start shooting from the hip based on foreign intelligence? Didn't we learn our lesson? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
It's even worse....4500 plus troops were killed based on faulty intelligence , yet nary a word. But if Obama lost one Serviceman or State Department Personnel it becomes a national outcry. Benfuckinggazi groundhog day after day after day. The hypocrisy is mind boggling. Their hatred for anything a so called liberal does is a fucking disease that should be covered under Obamacare! Wouldn't that be a hoot. "Come in JD, let me hook this electric probe up next to where a brain should be...."