Washington Examiner Sorry, Democrats, but Biden really is to blame for the border mess

  • oeb11
  • 03-24-2021, 02:43 PM

The Democratic National Committee on Wednesday sent out an email to supporters and the media with the absolutely laughable claim, "There is no migrant 'surge' due to Biden administration policies."
To back up that assertion, the DNC quoted an op-ed that ran on Tuesday in the Washington Post. The three writers of that piece — it understandably takes more than one person to carry this much water for the Biden administration — wrote that they "analyzed monthly [Customs and Border Protection] data from 2012 to now and found no crisis or surge that can be attributed to Biden administration policies."

That's weird. The Washington Post itself has found plenty of data that shows the obscene tsunami of destitute Mexicans and Central Americans flooding into the country is a direct result of Biden being in the White House.
Just last month, the Washington Post reported that "Biden’s 2020 election victory drew cheers from migrants stranded in squalid, freezing refugee camps in Mexico, and some rushed across a bridge in the border city of El Paso while chanting his name." The paper added that "unlike Trump — whose tough talk of an immigration crackdown led to record-low border crossings in his first months in office — Biden has arrived as the numbers are rising."
A "Biden for President 2020" flag is literally flying in a migration camp on the other side of the border at this very moment.
This is like when liberals claimed that there was no evidence the wildly generous federal unemployment benefits passed into law last year because of the pandemic lockdowns were functioning as a disincentive for people to return to the workforce. Of course they were. People admitted they were reluctant to work for that very reason.
Foreigners south of the border want to come here because of all the entitlements and welfare we offer. Biden campaigned on an open border. He has now opened the border that was previously somewhat closed. It's not a mystery that all of those people would have heard the invitation.
This is cause and effect. Biden is the cause. The overrun border is the effect.
Tags: Opinion, Beltway Confidential, Joe Biden, Immigration
Original Author: Eddie Scarry
Original Location: Sorry, Democrats, but Biden really is to blame for the border mess

DPST's cannot take responsibility for their own actions - it is always blame Trump or someone else for consequences of their actions. .

Hypocritical, lying criminal fiden cabal dedicated to marxist revolution for total control of America. Venezuela is their model.

From My cold dead hands - DPST fomentors of Civil War in America.
winn dixie's Avatar
biden and the kenyan started putting humans in cages. biden started the process again. dimocrats dont like humans
and the smart, elite, superior people believe what the dims and the punk writers on wapo put out
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
wawa poop elites can't help themselves. looks like they're reliving the obama administration. they want to feel the tingle in their legs.
Biden will be blamed for a lot of shit by the time his first term is over.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well and IF the LSM had asked any questions about POLICY BEFORE the election this absolute cluster fuck may not be happening
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Biden did say he was gonna change Trump's policies on that.
Oh, not that one?
Oh, nor that other one?
Oh, my bad, more not changed?
So in a little over 60 days Biden made trump's disaster that much worse? I don't think so. Trumptards are just still bitter about getting their ass handed to them, bigly. Not even a close race.
So in a little over 60 days Biden made trump's disaster that much worse? I don't think so. Trumptards are just still bitter about getting their ass handed to them, bigly. Not even a close race. Originally Posted by royamcr
You better have a plan of your own because Biden is going to hand you your ass, lol.
HedonistForever's Avatar
So in a little over 60 days Biden made trump's disaster that much worse? I don't think so. Trumptards are just still bitter about getting their ass handed to them, bigly. Not even a close race. Originally Posted by royamcr

I keep having to ask the same question over and over. Are you merely un-informed/ mis-informed or are you informed and just pushing a narrative you know to be false? Don't want to take my word for it? How about CNN?


On Tuesday, the administration allowed a few members of the media to tour a temporary Customs and Border Protection facility in Donna, Texas. The facility is well over capacity, with more than 4,100 migrants at the facility despite a pandemic capacity of 250, acting Executive Officer for Rio Grande Valley Operational Programs Division Oscar Escamilla told reporters.

There were 5,767 children in CBP custody overall as of Sunday.

"We're way overcapacity. We're like 700% overcapacity," he later added.

These people were not in this detention center when Trump left office. When Trump left office, there was a "stay in Mexico policy" that prevented this very thing from happening. One of the first things Biden did was end this policy and the flood gates were opened.

This increase is a direct result of Biden ending the stay in Mexico policy and agreements with Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador also discarded. Now Biden is asking Mexico to re-instate the policy and Mexico says "fuck no" because Biden isn't Trump. Trump would have punished Mexico for doing this.

There was no "disaster" under Trump. Trump made progress in keeping the numbers down and Biden blew a hole in that policy.

How about NBC, do you trust NBC?


Claim: The border surge is akin to past years

“The truth of the matter is, nothing has changed. As many people came — 28 percent increase in children to the border in my administration. Thirty-one percent in 2019 before the pandemic in the Trump administration,” the president said. “It happens every single solitary year. There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March — it happens every year.”

Biden is right that the colder months typically bring a surge of border crossings, but his numbers on children are wrong.
Lie number 1

There was a 28 percent surge in apprehensions at the southern border from January to February of this year, the most recent and complete data point from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) available right now. The Trump administration saw a 31 percent surge in migrant apprehensions from January to February 2019.
But Biden specifically mentions children, and that’s where his facts are incorrect. There is a far bigger surge of unaccompanied minor children right now than there was two years ago. From January to February 2019, there was a 31 percent surge in children stopped by CBP. From January to February 2021, there has been a 61 percent surge in those stops.
What’s more, the February numbers do not address what’s happening right now in March. As of March 23, there were 4,962 children in CBP custody, well above the 30-day average of 3,243, according to an update from the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Homeland Security Wednesday.

But Biden also went on to say that the U.S. is "sending back the vast majority of the families coming."
That is not true for the month of February. Less than half the nearly 20,000 apprehensions of family units were returned under Title 42, according to CBP data.
Lie number 2

Interview anybody coming across the border and if they aren't already wearing a Biden t-shirt, they will tell you to a person, they are coming because Biden gave them hope that Trump had dashed with his remain in Mexico policy. They are coming because they heard Biden say that NOBODY would be deported.
You make yourself look silly trying to argue the inarguable.

So in a little over 60 days Biden made trump's disaster that much worse? I don't think so. Trumptards are just still bitter about getting their ass handed to them, bigly. Not even a close race. Originally Posted by royamcr
Yeah bitten reversed ever EO of Trumps border policies and by doing that everything now has become a fucking complete disaster. bitten's full of it but it ain't transparency. NOT allowing ANY media at the boarder...WHY THE FUCK WOULD THAT BE??

What exactly was Trumps disaster on fighting illegal immigration...please elaborate...because you can't!!
Hey don't come down so hard on royamcr guys, I'm sure in his head he assumes his "facts" are right ..... Trump hatred knows no end, but even I gotta admit he has a severe incapacity to learn .....
LexusLover's Avatar
.... but even I gotta admit he has a severe incapacity to learn ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
You must know royamcr pretty well!

I noticed you are in San Antonio (or claim to be)... and I am curious about SA's "help" with the overcrowding conditions down at the border .... Houston got a batch of underaged illegal aliens ... has SA been designated OPENLY as a location for similar visitations?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Its transparency, and unity , look man , look man pudding and chief s NOT allowing ANY media at the boarder...WHY THE FUCK WOULD THAT BE??
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hey don't come down so hard on royamcr guys, I'm sure in his head he assumes his "facts" are right ..... Trump hatred knows no end, but even I gotta admit he has a severe incapacity to learn ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Does he or doesn't he know he is wrong and just doesn't give a shit about putting forth false information like he railed about Trump doing.

I mean, if it is one's position that "Trump did it ( get facts wrong ) so I'm going to do it", just admit it and I won't have to keep wondering why one is peddling false information. Is it based on ignorance or one just doesn't care about lying?

All you on the left hopping for a President that doesn't tell lies must be very disappointed in the guy you voted for. Washington Post giving Biden 4 Pinocchios ( because that the most they can give ) on Georgia's new voting law and Biden is at it again saying that the new law closes the polls at 5 p.m. so working people which is a common phrase used to mean "Black people" not Whites, can't vote.

Biden falsely claims the new Georgia law 'ends voting hours ...

https://www.washingtonpost.com › politics › 2021/03/30

Claim: “What I’m worried about is how un-American this whole initiative is. It’s sick. It’s sick … deciding that you’re going to end voting at five o’clock when...
Claimed by: Joe Biden
Fact check by The Washington Post: Four Pinocchios

Well guess what? That is not what the law says and the law doesn't say water can't be given to people in line, it says that no partisan can give something of value, theoretically in exchange for a vote. In other words, nobody wearing a MAGA hat can pass out bottles of water at a voting site. Nobody wearing a "Stacy Abrams was cheated" t-shirt, can pass out water at a voting site. That is all the new law says but of course Joe Biden had to lie about that to. The truth is, non partisan poll workers could take water to a voter in distress, Any voter can carry a bottle of water with them. Water is not banned in the new Georgia bill but you wouldn't know that listening to Joe Biden but in Biden's favor, it's hard to know if he understands this and is lying or he has no clue what is in the bill and is merely repeating what his BLM advicer told him.

And in a laughable irony that is a sign of the times, Delta Airlines who praised the new law until BLM and others pressured them to change their minds, is on board with boycotting Georgia for requiring a picture ID to vote when you have to have a picture ID to fly on one of their planes!! Isn't that racist since Black people are incapable of obtaining picture ID's because of systemic racism?

It's tough to call Biden a liar when he clearly has no idea what he is saying but it is a lie non the less.