An interesting read on the Deep State.

bambino's Avatar

Our government is corrupt to its core. Every institution
pfunkdenver's Avatar

Our government is corrupt to its core. Every institution Originally Posted by bambino
Good heavens! You ARE gullible! LOL!
bambino's Avatar
Good heavens! You ARE gullible! LOL! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
You are.
Our government is corrupt to its core. Every institution Originally Posted by bambino
I don't need a Q post to know that. Before we called it "Deep State" we called it "The Establishment" and even the MSM talked about it. It wasn't "crazy" until they called it the Deep State.

But yeah, the country is by and large run by globalists who bend the government to their will to maximize their own power and profit. They want feudalism again, but with them at the top.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Our government is corrupt to its core. Every institution Originally Posted by bambino
I can believe that. the article was from 2 years ago (2019).

Its tough being that guy as a minor player who got caught in the middle. I'm curious why he didn't go to trump's people.

its likely the people in the SCIF may have been a part of it (see the butina arrest)
bambino's Avatar
I don't need a Q post to know that. Before we called it "Deep State" we called it "The Establishment" and even the MSM talked about it. It wasn't "crazy" until they called it the Deep State.

But yeah, the country is by and large run by globalists who bend the government to their will to maximize their own power and profit. They want feudalism again, but with them at the top. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
It’s not a Q post. It was written by Patrick Byrne.
It’s not a Q post. It was written by Patrick Byrne. Originally Posted by bambino
I'm just calling any deepstate conspiracy stuff "Qposting"
bambino's Avatar
I'm just calling any deepstate conspiracy stuff "Qposting" Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Seems like a real life experience and not a conspiracy. That’s why I posted it.
  • Tiny
  • 04-04-2021, 09:43 AM
Here's a fascinating article on Patrick Byrne, who wrote the article Bambino linked to:

He does exaggerate and is prone to conspiracy theories, and is self obsessed. However, those who've written off what he said have, more than once, regretted it, because he ended up being right.

Maria Butina, the alleged Russian spy and weapons aficionado, had a huge crush on Byrne. Byrne believes the FBI used him as a pawn to keep tabs on anything Butina was up to that would be damaging to the Trump campaign. And they were happy for Butina to act contrary to the national security interests of the USA, as long as she was generating evidence for a case against Trump and his campaign. One example, Byrne wanted to whisk Butina off to someplace like the Bahamas so that she'd pass on a meeting with Donald Trump Jr. The FBI told him not to.

Anyway, I fault Byrne for stabbing that poor, love-struck young woman in the back and helping to send her off to the Big House. On the other hand he does regret it.
  • Tiny
  • 04-04-2021, 09:44 AM
But yeah, the country is by and large run by globalists who bend the government to their will to maximize their own power and profit. They want feudalism again, but with them at the top. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Globalism along with technology have immensely improved living standards in the USA and throughout the world.
bambino's Avatar
Globalism along with technology have immensely improved living standards in the USA and throughout the world. Originally Posted by Tiny
How so? Explain
  • Tiny
  • 04-04-2021, 09:55 AM
How so? Explain Originally Posted by bambino

You'd have huge chunks of the world living in abject poverty without globalization. Or at least they'd be worse off than they are now.

If we can make or produce movies, complicated chips, aircraft, software, oil and gas, and the like and export them to the world while places like Vietnam and Mexico send us textiles and toys, everyone benefits. If the USA were self sufficient, and didn't import or export, it would be a lot poorer.

I'm thinking about "globalism" in terms of the economy and trade. Now if Glock is talking about us interfering in the affairs of other countries and spending massive amounts of money in places like the Middle East, then I think he's dead right, instead of dead wrong. I may be reading more into Glock's post than I should. I believe he means "globalization" when he says "globalism."
playerplano's Avatar
It’s funny the name changes but the concept remains. It was called “ the military industrial complex “ in the 60s and now deep state or One World government. I don’t think it matters what you call it and I agree all politicians are corrupt. They have all sold their souls to someone or they would not be on the world stage. I don’t believe all I hear but I’m confident conspiracies are everywhere, just follow the money. The ones in power ( with the money ) will lie , cheat and kill to keep that power.
bambino's Avatar

You'd have huge chunks of the world living in abject poverty without globalism. Or at least they'd be worse off than they are now.

If we can make or produce movies, complicated chips, aircraft, software, oil and gas, and the like and export them to the world while places like Vietnam and Mexico send us textiles and toys, everyone benefits. If the USA were self sufficient, and didn't import or export, it would be a lot poorer.

I'm thinking about "globalism" in terms of the economy and trade. Now if Glock is talking about us interfering in the affairs of other countries and spending massive amounts of money in places like the Middle East, then I think he's dead right, instead of dead wrong. Originally Posted by Tiny
What I’m talking about is a centralized, one world government. That’s the goal. Or their goal. If you haven’t noticed, people from around the world are protesting against their governments. They favor Nationalism. Even Putin is pulling out of the Central Banking system.

From the horses mouth:
Globalism along with technology have immensely improved living standards in the USA and throughout the world. Originally Posted by Tiny

You'd have huge chunks of the world living in abject poverty without globalization. Or at least they'd be worse off than they are now.

If we can make or produce movies, complicated chips, aircraft, software, oil and gas, and the like and export them to the world while places like Vietnam and Mexico send us textiles and toys, everyone benefits. If the USA were self sufficient, and didn't import or export, it would be a lot poorer.

I'm thinking about "globalism" in terms of the economy and trade. Now if Glock is talking about us interfering in the affairs of other countries and spending massive amounts of money in places like the Middle East, then I think he's dead right, instead of dead wrong. I may be reading more into Glock's post than I should. I believe he means "globalization" when he says "globalism." Originally Posted by Tiny
I'm talking about Globalism - "the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis."

"One World Government" kind of shit.

I don't really care about trying to modernize people living in mud huts in the still wild parts of the world. Too "White Man's Burden" for me. Maybe if we leave people alone they'll come up with something original rather than aping us.

And I don't think all the advancement is good. I personally wish at least once a day that the internet didn't exist, even at the cost of my good fortune the last 20 years. I think society at large would be better off.

As for Globalization - I don't necessarily approve of companies who claim to be US based and get US tax breaks and advantages but do all their production and development overseas. They can sell overseas all they want, but I don't think you get to be an "American Company" just because your HQ is in Seattle, but your production is a sweatshop in Vietnam.