The new world leader:

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Brand new space station under construction.
The international multi-state space "module" station has several components close to the end of their useful life (2028).
And look here, China has successfully landed on Mars.

As for the South China Sea, except for Vietnam's 200 mile conflict (and ignoring the Taiwan issue) China does actually have quite a bit within it's 200 mile.

China's game plan is clearly control of resources.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they're still a paper tiger.
bambino's Avatar
they're still a paper tiger. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Not with Joey Bribes in charge of the US.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Not with Joey Bribes in charge of the US. Originally Posted by bambino

still they would need to keep half of their army to keep a certain population groups from rebelling. thats is how china lost a bunch of wars to western armies despite having a larger army.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Chinese people have small wieners and their women need to get fucked good but hard American cock.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Start learning Chinese
Nuke the CCP
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Start learning Chinese Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I'm actually picking up a bit of Mandarin from hotel staff that end up trying to explain incident reports (usually drunk civie guests being stupid).
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
they're still a paper tiger. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
They are building their 3rd operational aircraft carrier.

The US has 11.
10 Nimitz class and the one Ford class, with the Kennedy under construction. But, a few of the Nimitz class have nuke plants at end of their life, so....
GaGambler's Avatar
Chinese people have small wieners and their women need to get fucked good but hard American cock. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Good thing I am only Half Chinese or I might take exception to your comments. For the record I am Chinese from the waist up but I am Sicilian from the waist down. lol
It's our own fault. Too many here don't want to work. Too many don't want to pay their share of taxes to support infrastructure and groundbreaking endeavors. Too many don't support funding of education for the next generation. Too many want to retire at 50 and provide no further contribution to production other than churning the stock market. Too much emphasis on corporate bottom line at ultimate expense of our production capability...steel, autos, electronics.

It's a global economy and we have become a bunch of self centered, cheap, lazy asses. So I guess we deserve what we get.
Too many don't want to pay their share of taxes to support infrastructure and groundbreaking endeavors. Too many don't support funding of education for the next generation. Too many want to retire at 50 and provide no further contribution to production other than churning the stock market. Too much emphasis on corporate bottom line at ultimate expense of our production capability...steel, autos, electronics. Originally Posted by reddog1951
The government has so much money coming into it, we could take care of our infrastructural woes if we wanted to, but the people we elect instead send the money to other countries or instead spend it on transexual education here in the US.

Too many fucking pet projects, not enough practical shit.
Glock's answer demonstrates our problem precisely....stagnation and blockading of true innovation and productivity as leverage to get "my" way. Both "sides" guilty. But bitching about it doesn't solve the problem. I certainly don't have the solution either, but other countries seem to be outperforming us in many regards. Maybe our past success (not ours, but that of the generations before us) has led to an unrealistic inflated sense of ego and self worth.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Good thing I am only Half Chinese or I might take exception to your comments. For the record I am Chinese from the waist up but I am Sicilian from the waist down. lol Originally Posted by GaGambler
I just want to fuck Chinese girls. They're hot. I also like Chinese porn, because the dudes always have small to average sized cocks. I don't like to watch some dude with a 9 inch schlong brutally fuck a bitch. That doesn't get my dick hard. America is a gay place. Everyone worships big schlongs apparently. Bunch of gay faggots. Why is porn so fucked up? Most of it is disturbing but I watch it anyway, because you don't really know what you're going to see until you watch it. You just see a thumbnail of some huge tits and you click it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I just want to fuck Chinese girls. They're hot. I also like Chinese porn, because the dudes always have small to average sized cocks. I don't like to watch some dude with a 9 inch schlong brutally fuck a bitch. That doesn't get my dick hard. America is a gay place. Everyone worships big schlongs apparently. Bunch of gay faggots. Why is porn so fucked up? Most of it is disturbing but I watch it anyway, because you don't really know what you're going to see until you watch it. You just see a thumbnail of some huge tits and you click it. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
isn't chinese porn illegal???

maybe you're thinking of Taiwanese porn