Anyone seen or heard about this BS Holy Cow this is crazy

This is out and out extortion. How can this be legal? Anyone can submit. There has to be no proof.. The names says Potential..But to get your name and info removed you must pay $99

Ladies are getting text and emails from what I am sure is the owners pretending to be a potential client but saying he is scared to see them because he found them on this site.

They want the ladies to go there and then pay $99 to be taken off. What a load of Crap...Ladies pay these folks NOTHING!!!!!!

They seem to be targeting BP advertisers so far...hell it could be a BP entity doing it.
Just to get more money from ladies.

Much of the info seems to be old or not current. Because one of the ladies who brought this to my attention is now retired and has been for a while.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 12-19-2012, 10:20 PM
Backpage is a good theory. They are notorious for selling their content, especially the provider ads.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
This is major sludge bucket bulltwinkie, alright, and they are not just sticking to Backpage -- I see at least two ECCIE providers on there, one of which I know hasn't ever advertised on BP. Laughably, two other photos in the Houston section belong to lingerie models, and I know that because I have packages of hosiery with the same images on them. They were probably lifted off Backpage from bait and switch girls who had lifted them from online catalogs.

Talk about blackmail.... but what law enforcement agency do you report this stuff to, and would they care or just use it as a snitch?

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Because they are illiterate scum. Education is not required to bilk people out of money. Seems to come naturally for some personalities.
OMG really?????

Well that is such a relief.
fool born every day.....and one entertains him.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-20-2012, 08:15 AM
I would hope someone would find a way to have them prosecuted for blackmail.
markroxny's Avatar
They are posting a lot of women who use fake pics. Guess they don't know about Tineye

Looks like a hater's paradise to me.