Viagra reviews

BigAceVegas's Avatar
For the nature of this board, I thought there would be a plethora of information out there when searching the term "viagra". I'm not sure if there is something wrong with my search, but the term only shows up in 3 posts?

Anyway, I was able to obtain a prescription to try the 50mg dose of viagra. I have not yet had a chance to give it a whirl, but tonight, I will. Any one else using viagra, and what has your experience been?
Pink Floyd's Avatar
For the nature of this board, I thought there would be a plethora of information out there when searching the term "viagra". I'm not sure if there is something wrong with my search, but the term only shows up in 3 posts?

Anyway, I was able to obtain a prescription to try the 50mg dose of viagra. I have not yet had a chance to give it a whirl, but tonight, I will. Any one else using viagra, and what has your experience been? Originally Posted by BigAceVegas
Get yee to the Mens Lounge for this type of discussion. As for Viagra, I never leave home without it. I also use the generic from Works so good that I once had 500 pills.
pyramider's Avatar
Works so good that I once had 500 pills. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi

A month's supply for him. He is a tainted tard.
It only works really well on an empty stomach.
4thLvlCleric's Avatar
Do not mix with alcohol. V worked reasonably well with me in 100 mg doses (diabetic, overweight, and 60 years old). I much prefer Cialis - 4 hour vs 18 hour half life in the blood stream.
deltaguy's Avatar
Might be a silly question, but what's the generic brand name for Viagra ?
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Might be a silly question, but what's the generic brand name for Viagra ? Originally Posted by deltaguy
Sildenafil Citrate can't get it in the USA. About 80 cents a pill generic.
4thLvlCleric's Avatar
Do a wiki search. Sildenafil
4thLvlCleric's Avatar
Generic Viagra, sildenafil, is illegal in the US. At least half of the online order outfits send counterfeit crap. With a prescription, Viagra is $45 per pill and Cialis is $25 per pill (last time I checked at Walmart). Are you willing to risk a bad encounter by saving 25 or 45 bucks?
Guest113018-1's Avatar
I got some generic from one of those online pharmacies and I have to say it's a crap shoot as to whether or not they are going to work. 100 mil and I take 2, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't, but hardly any side affects so they can't be real. They were cheap though.
Generic Viagra, sildenafil, is illegal in the US. Originally Posted by 4thLvlCleric
That's what the VA gives out when Viagara is requested, si I doubt that it's illegal, although that may have changed.
Wow cant believe that stuff costs so much. Fucking ripoff.
4thLvlCleric's Avatar
That's what the VA gives out when Viagara is requested, si I doubt that it's illegal, although that may have changed. Originally Posted by biggeorge565
Viagra is chemically identical to sildenafil citrate. The VA can call it whatever it wants. Still to legally buy, prescribe, and administer sildenafil citrate in the US, one must buy brand name Viagra. FWIW the original Viagra patent expired earlier this year. Pfizer reapplied for a weaker patent that will last till 2019.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I defy anybody to tell any difference between the generic from AllDayChemist which is 80 cents a pill and the Viagra you pay through the nose for. I had some Viagra and I bought the generic and I alternated them and they are identical.
Fatboy Rider's Avatar
I have to agree with FNF on AllDayChemist. Their generic works just as well as prescription Viagra. I have had the same success with both.