I though Maddow was one of yours. Why is she saying the same shit we've been screaming and it's OK?

LovingKayla's Avatar

The last time the R said word one about this, you idiots stomped it to death. This is your girl. Could it be the democrats are getting a grip?

I dunno if one democrat making sense is worthy of giving you all a gold star, but it's a nice start.

Now go ahead and twist the shit out of this and make yourselves look crazy. It's fun.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Nope, not letting this one go. I'm going to bump it every time I think about wanting to punch a democrat in the face by accident on purpose.

In your Fing face, party of tards. No, I'm not referring to my family reunion....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I posted this awhile back, LK. The libtards didn't care. I'm sure they still don't. They want Obama to be all powerful, and have no one question what he does.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I just thought of it again.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The libs need to be reminded. It's a good analysis by Maddow.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Ya COG she did one that's 3 and 4 years old. This is just the current release. I kinda like her. I used to have a democrat from longview come see me and I did actually take his advice and watch her.

I bet she's the one the democrats will need to worry about once O's shit starts to snow ball. She strikes me a no nonsense kind of gal... not completely informed, but hey who is....

We all came out against the patriot act. Actually we came out against the republicans for a great many things. We aren't even sad to see the party die. It's about fukin time.

So why is it that O can do no wrong with these guys. Who was it that said, " A man unwilling to acknowledge when his side is wrong, is probably a liar."

I'm fascinated by the fact they all keep holding every single thing he does as if it came from heaven. Why? He's apart of the same system that is SEVERELY BROKEN. Do any of these assholes know history at ALL? America 2013 is exactly what Germany looked like just before the box folded in with Hitler. How do they really not see the similarity?

Is it because they need us to say Bush was wrong? OK no problem... BUSH WAS WRONG. His father lay the ground work for Agenda 21 in America. I can't stand republicans or anything they stand for. They lied to us and they used us. I do NOT support them.

There. Your turn.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
My turn? LOL! I can't improve on that. You said it well.

This should piss WPF off:

LK <<< >>> COG
LovingKayla's Avatar
My mistake. I meant to infer it was a democrats turn to acknowledge something O has done wrong.

WTF is already pissed at 3 out of 5 of the voices in my head because they didn't invite his voices to their tea party, and one just bought a new 357, so he's being a little anti social.
The liberals don't want to listen to her anymore because she has rocked the boat. In their eyes she is now irrelevant.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And so are y'all...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-29-2013, 04:27 PM
ain't that the god damn truth
And so are y'all... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
cog and lk are dumb and dummy patting each other on their retarded heads!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So what do you think of what Maddow said?
So what do you think of what Maddow said? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Maddow who?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-29-2013, 06:40 PM
who is on first?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
LOL, reaching back to May 2009, eh? Hmmm, it could be that since you were "screaming" the same "shit" some of us might have missed it? I realize that we are remiss in not hanging on every word that proceeds out of the mouths of Teawipes but, shit happens - screamed or not.

Glenna, Glenna, Glenna I know you think you have a point and I would really be interested in hearing what it is. Is it that the USA is just like Germany in the late 1920s? Fortunately, I know enough history to know that Hitler leveraged a highly organized minority of less than 30% of the German people intent on constantly attacking the existing structure, spreading lies and half-truths and promoting a vision of a "thousand year Reich" at whose core was racial hatred (Jews and Gypsies, anyone?) and fear of those who were in control of the economy (again, Jews - except for the part that they weren't in control of the German economy). Yessireee, all those non-Aryans needed to leave and quit fu*king it up for the rest of all those "good Germans." Paranoiac promoters of "conspiracies" must set up an "us versus them" dynamic complete with scapegoats. One thing has always been a certainty throughout human history: fear sells, especially to those who think they are powerless and "victims."

Sounds like the Teawipe Party Parrotriot playbook, doesn't it?

While you're in a historical knowledge gathering mode, Glenna, you might want to check out Washington putting down the Whiskey Rebellion (a tax issue), Lincoln suspending Habeus Corpus, Roosevelt trying to pack the Supreme Court as well as interring Japanese Americans - to mention a few, shall we say, executive "excesses." And, there are plenty more where those came from. Breaking News: People aren't perfect and are quite capable of resorting to methods and policies that are gross over reactions to not getting their way. Anyone who tries to make a god out of a human is running a fool's errand. We all have to take the bad with the good. Big effin' deal - only Teawipe Parrotriot losers would throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Of course, since most of us are not operating with all of the secret knowledge of "how things really are," we are at a serious disadvantage. It's a shame that most of that great wisdom is merely made up by some covey of loons out in the blogosphere.