Playing doctor

Ever play doctor as a kid? I never did and don't know anyone who has. Urban myth?
discreetgent's Avatar
I did
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
A friend of mine in 6th grade told me that one of the girls in our class took him to the basement to play doctor. Dayum.
Oh yeah!
Maybe it was being raised a European Catholic.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
"Hello miss Summerhill, I'm Dr Aurelius. Nice to meet you."

"Now just relax, this won't hurt a bit. Until it needs to."
John Bull's Avatar
One doesn't play doctor, dear. One plays physician.
Count me as a yes vote.
OneHotMale's Avatar
Ever play doctor as a kid? I never did and don't know anyone who has. Urban myth? Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill

Yep sure did.
Ever play doctor as a kid? I never did and don't know anyone who has. Urban myth? Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
I still do
ed_mustafa's Avatar
This Redneck Catholic did!
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I played plastic surgeon....
ANONONE's Avatar
Sounds like a chap needs to do a mild fetish session with Lauren that involves a hot medical professional outfit, a sponge bath. . .lol

Sisyphus's Avatar
Ever play doctor as a kid? I never did and don't know anyone who has. Urban myth? Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Geez... it's been so damn long I honestly don't recall.

I must have but - obviously - it didn't leave much of an impression.

I was more a "spin the bottle" kid!
Yes, then AND now!