Encounter: Whenever I'm in town

User ID: OKITguy
Date: 9-20-2022
Name: Lisa
Phone: 785-856-2283
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website: https://www.rubmaps.ch/erotic-massag...-79076#rubmaps Added link per OP The Dr
City: Lawrence
State: Kansas
Address: Iowa st, near QT
Activities: Massage, L1, and L2
Hair Length and Color: Black and just at shoulder length
Age: Mid 40s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Decent looking lady, less than a handful up top, no butt
Recommendation: Yes
404 error on link, ITGuy.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Mods can you update link in review with this one? Thanks in advance.