BFE's GFE Lessons - Lesson #1: What NOT to say

  • BFE
  • 02-05-2012, 09:23 PM
Much has been said about what constitutes a real "GFE" experience. We all have different ideas about it. To me, it's not so much a laundry list of acronyms a lady goes through - it goes much deeper than that. CityJazz's IOP term does give a good idea, but to me, a true GFE is much broader than that.

So I thought I'd give a few examples of what we, as guys, don't want to hear from a true GFE lady. Ok, maybe I'm generalizing too much. At the minimum this represents me only. Take them with a grain of salt.

These are just a few ideas. If any one else has something to add, please do!

What not to say #1: "I'm all booked on [X], want to do [Y] day instead?"

Here's the thing. We all know this is a business. And we all know we're not the only ones. But by saying "i'm booked" you are just reminding us that well, you're seeing other people - not only that, now you just left us wondering... "all booked!" geee. that sounds like 3, 5, 10?

What to say: Just say you're not available, don't give explanations. "I'm sorry love, I can't do on Tuesday, but how about Wednesday?".

What not to say #2: "The other day I was with another client and...". Well, we appreciate the trust... but a) you just reminded us that we're a client and perhaps most importantly, b) now I'm wondering if you talk about ME with someone else.

What to say: If you must absolutely refer to some other client, instead say: "I was with a friend...". Say friend, or maybe boyfriend, just not client.

What not to say #3: "These are my rules"
We all have some boundaries. Many girls (and guys) like to discuss them before a session starts (see below). It's just that when you label them as "rules", well, it doesn't sound too GFE.

What to say: It's better to be subtle about your boundaries. It sometimes helps to just put them in your site, p 411, showcase - that way there will be no surprises. If something comes up during the session, just say you don't like it, or you get ticklish, or something... just don't say "eh eh eh, that's one of my rules!".

What not to say #4: "Honey", "Babe", etc.
Surprising? Not really. Well, from a girl's point of view, it's very easy - you just call everyone honey or babe, and then you're done with it.

What to say: Try to use our name's a little more. Hearing you say my name while I'm banging you and you're coming is a sure ego booster. This is not to say you can't use honey, babe, love... but when you intermingle that with our names, that sounds a lot more powerful.

And, finally - my favorite:
What not to say #5: "Let's get started"
Without exception, this has never failed to identify a true GFE girl. Non-GFE and GFE-lite girls get started with some convo, then there's some pause in the conversation and they declare "Ok, let's get started!". A variant of this is "Want to get comfortable?". A subtler version is "Do you want to go to the bedroom?". Sure, it is a subtler variation, but still it's not the best approach.

What to say/do: A GFE experience occurs naturally - from conversation, to caressing, touching, groping, kissing until there's nowhere else to go but the bed (or well you can stay in the sofa if you'd like!). Some girls like to get started the minute you walk in the door - these are by far, the hottest experiences.

Now, don't get me wrong - some girls choose not to be GFE. And I've met some great amazing girls that are not GFE. That's alright. But if you want to provide a GFE experience, these are just some tips to get started.
LOL @ Let's get started!
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Some girls like to get started the minute you walk in the door - these are by far, the hottest experiences. Originally Posted by BFE
Trail of clothes to the couch or bedroom or... a pile on the threshold. Already have water bottles, amenities & necessaries readily at hand so we find our groove and roll with it naturally. Definitely shouldn't try to "dick-tate" a script ahead of time for anything other than a loose discussion if there's something specifically desired during our encounter.

Opening the door at your arrival and sharing that "Hello there" moment starts the rhythm of our dance of desire. The first touch sets the tone: gentle, playful, frantic, intense... Are we moving to the couch or am I pulling you to the bedroom while tearing my clothes off? I can honestly say, not many men have entered my lair and not been in my bed in under five minutes. MMMMM I am soooo feeling this right now! With that said, I have a serious need to make up for lost time and opportunities to savor new flavors and could give a damn if anyone cries "threAD!"

I am ready to GFE a whole lotta BFE's till they beg for mercy or scream for a PSE to hasten their escape! Maybe I'll get lucky and be saying "Well, that half-hour turned into three somehow. Wanna go for another round?"

Oh yeah... That's the way... uh huh, uh huh... I like it... uh huh, uh huh...

**BFE** I read your Mallory: tied & untied review earlier and just have to say... That was HOT! When is it my turn??? I'll return the favor. Have restraints & other accoutrement. ; *ROWR*

Damn it's late!!! Time to check out the new porn & toys I obtained earlier cuz there's a "kat fight" in my panties... Gotta wrestle 'em down so I can get some sleep! Definitely wet dreamz... *sigh*

I hope nobody gets hurt... *badly* Available to "kiss it better" if needed...

Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
So it's wrong that I can't get in the mood unless I hear the words "Do you want to get comfortable?" and watch my GF count my donation from the envelope, then give me nod when it's right?
Phat3lvis's Avatar

That all sounds real personal, but is by no means a one size fits all.

1) I like to be told when a girl is booked, that tells me she is so awesome there is a line. That is a good sign.
2) I know the deal, she has other clients and I am good with it, in fact I kind of like it.
3) Rules are important and I would rather take the time to go over them, and be very clear so that we both feel more comfortable. Why make a women guess whether or not you read her rules section on her P411 add? Communication is a good thing, even if you hear something you don’t like.
4) “Honey” “Baby”, “Sweety”, I eat that shit that up.
5) Yeah you go cowboy, jump right on. I have my own pace that does not include dry humping her leg as I enter the door.

Just say’n… you may want to take your list and send it in an email to your GFE provider, so she can cater to your needs.
the_tall_texan's Avatar

What not to say #4: "Honey", "Babe", etc.
Surprising? Not really. Well, from a girl's point of view, it's very easy - you just call everyone honey or babe, and then you're done with it.

What to say: Try to use our name's a little more. Hearing you say my name while I'm banging you and you're coming is a sure ego booster. This is not to say you can't use honey, babe, love... but when you intermingle that with our names, that sounds a lot more powerful.
Originally Posted by BFE
Or even worse, the dreaded "hunny". Please, if you're gonna patronize me, at least don't make me think you are watching a Winnie the Pooh movie while you do it!

Yes, I agree. Dropping a name, even once or twice, is very powerful. You're receiving a decent wad of money and having an intimate encounter with me, you can at least remember my "name". The chick at Starbuck's sees literally hundreds of customers a day yet still remembers my name and what I like to drink. I only spend a minute and $3 with her per visit. How about a little client service, people?!?! lol
Whispers's Avatar

That all sounds real personal, but .........

you may want to take your list and send it in an email to your GFE provider, so she can cater to your needs. Originally Posted by Phat3lvis
You might want to save all the advice you are giving until you build some history and credibility before suggesting a long time member with a a lot contributions of credible information shouldn't start a thread giving his personal views on a subject....

"Just Sayin"

Much has been said about what constitutes a real "GFE" experience. We all have different ideas about it. To me, it's not so much a laundry list of acronyms a lady goes through - it goes much deeper than that. CityJazz's IOP term does give a good idea, but to me, a true GFE is much broader than that.

So I thought I'd give a few examples of what we, as guys, don't want to hear from a true GFE lady. Ok, maybe I'm generalizing too much. At the minimum this represents me only. Take them with a grain of salt. Originally Posted by BFE

Not a bad place to start.....

What not to say #6: "aiiieeee Papi!" or "ohhhhhh daddy"

Ladies .... make SURE a guy is OK with this before going there while between the sheets...It turns some of us off in an instant..... And I can't tell you how to find out if it is OK as I would find it awkward if you asked me while trying to be "GFE"... As suggested... Just use our names.....

What not to say #7: "You were the best". "You are so big", or "No one has ever made me feel that way"

reality for many guys is that they really don't want our "Girl Friends" comparing us to other lovers... They WANT to think for that moment it's just the two of you.....

Besides....... I already KNOW it and could tell by your reactions and don't need the speech....
  • BFE
  • 02-06-2012, 10:54 AM

That all sounds real personal, but is by no means a one size fits all. Originally Posted by Phat3lvis
I think you may want to improve your reading skills or at least read my post thoroughly.

I clearly stated in the second paragraph of my post:

So I thought I'd give a few examples of what we, as guys, don't want to hear from a true GFE lady. Ok, maybe I'm generalizing too much. At the minimum this represents me only. Take them with a grain of salt.

I know people's interests and preferences will vary. At the same time, I don't expect that treatment from every single girl I meet - that'd be so boring.

And yes - everything in the hobby IS bound to be personal and will never be a one-size-fits-all.
  • BFE
  • 02-06-2012, 11:19 AM
What not to say #6: "aiiieeee Papi!" or "ohhhhhh daddy" Originally Posted by Whispers
Good one, Whisps, but I have to confess that while the daddy does creep me out sometimes, the Papi - that gets me going faster! I don't know, I guess they in theory are exactly the same, just different language, but the context in which you usually hear them is different.
knotty man's Avatar
ok. so when you say .you like it when they call you by name. are you referring to your handle name or real name.
almost every lady i meet i like to introduce myself by my real 1st name. to me it just sounds weird when i hear a lady call me knotty. even to this day i look around cuz i think shes talkin to someone else.
i personally love it when she calls me by my name. this weekend i was sharing drinks with a favorite lady and she called me by name for the 1st time (dont know if it was a slip or if she was finally gettin comfortable around me). but ,it was remarkably comforting and relaxing and somewhat of a turn on to know that she was talkin to "me" and not my handle
Phat3lvis's Avatar
You might want to save all the advice you are giving until you build some history and credibility before suggesting a long time member with a a lot contributions of credible information shouldn't start a thread giving his personal views on a subject....

"Just Sayin" Originally Posted by Whispers
Yeah Yeah I know....

Time and willing newbie friendly providers have not coincided in my world yet but I have my fingers crossed. So you may need to take my chatter with a grain of salt…thanks for your understanding.

I just get the creeps being pigeon-holed into someone else fantasy.
ThrillBill88's Avatar
You might want to save all the advice you are giving until you build some history and credibility before suggesting a long time member with a a lot contributions of credible information shouldn't start a thread giving his personal views on a subject.... Originally Posted by Whispers
Well said.
Phat3lvis's Avatar
Well said. Originally Posted by ThrillBill88
Yeah Yeah I know.... Guilty!
rrrabbit's Avatar
Since you started w/ #1, and this is the binary age, I guess I am lucky to be able to preempt you.

Drum roll...

#0: What NOT to say to a BP girl...

What are your rules ?

  • BFE
  • 02-06-2012, 04:56 PM
Geee, good point RRRabbit. I don't know. I've never seen a BP girl!
Oh no wait I did, that girl with the super-high IQ that used to work on Wall Street? Well not sure how much of that was true but she played the part.