Obama's legacy nicely summed up by John Hinderaker at

Of all the bitter fruit of the Barack Obama disaster, the most bitter may be the sense of hopelessness that has descended on Americans, especially the young. Has there ever been anything like it in our history? Even on the eve of the Civil War, was there this much pessimism about our future? Gallup wasn’t around in those days, but I wonder.

For a simple measure of how the Obama administration has crushed any sense of hopefulness in the American people, take a look at the survey that Rasmussen Reports does periodically on whether America’s best days are behind her, or still in the future. It’s a great question that tells a lot about how Americans are feeling.

Rasmussen last asked the question before Barack Obama took office in August 2008, while the presidential campaign that resulted in Obama’s election was in progress. The result:

45% of voters think America’s best days lie ahead, while 37% think they have come and gone.

That was after nearly eight years of the supposedly disastrous Bush administration–which, by the way, looks more like a golden age every day, compared with what has followed.

Fast forward to today, after nearly five years of the Obama administration. How are Americans feeling about the future?

31% of Likely U.S. Voters think America’s best days are still to come… Just over half (52%) think the nation’s best days are in the past.

So the Age of Obama has brought the percentage who think America’s best days are still ahead down from 45% to 31%, while the number who think our best days are gone has risen from 37% to 52%. Great work, Barry. This is your true legacy: hopelessness.
The hopelessness of the tea party in two words Defund Obamacare.
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  • Doove
  • 10-19-2013, 12:33 PM
Yeah, even Obama is powerless to improve the approval rating of Congress or the Republicans.
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And what did Bush do that gave the people hope?
And what did Bush do that gave the people hope? Originally Posted by BigLouie
Nothing, Bush never even implied it. Obama is the one that went prancing around with his "Hope and Change" slogan. What did that mean anyway, what did it mean to you? I bet you can't even answer that question.
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  • Doove
  • 10-19-2013, 03:14 PM
Nothing, Bush never even implied it. Originally Posted by acp5762
A bullshit response that totally belies what Whirlaway was trying, in part, to suggest with his copy/paste post.
Stupid OP. Civil War, Depression, WW2, Cold War, Mutual nuclear annihilation between Russia and US, etc etc etc. If the current crop of young 'uns think today sucks, it's because they are pussies.

It's a stupid article, from a stupid website, posted by an idiot who loves propaganda related to Obama because he has ODS ("Obama Derangement Syndrome").

By the way....Fuck You....Whirly'tard.
A bullshit response that totally belies what Whirlaway was trying, in part, to suggest with his copy/paste post. Originally Posted by Doove
My post didn't belie the OP's thread what so ever. In fact it corresponds with it.
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  • Doove
  • 10-20-2013, 05:04 AM
My post didn't belie the OP's thread what so ever. In fact it corresponds with it. Originally Posted by acp5762
Well, at least you were right about one thing - Bush didn't give anyone any reason to have hope.

And you could just as easily change the last line of his post to:

So the Age of the Tea Party has brought the percentage who think America’s best days are still ahead down from 45% to 31%, while the number who think our best days are gone has risen from 37% to 52%. Great work, Tea Party numbskulls. This is your true legacy: hopelessness.
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  • Doove
  • 10-20-2013, 05:13 AM
Stupid OP. Civil War, Depression, WW2, Cold War, Mutual nuclear annihilation between Russia and US, etc etc etc. If the current crop of young 'uns think today sucks, it's because they are pussies.

It's a stupid article, from a stupid website, posted by an idiot who loves propaganda related to Obama because he has ODS ("Obama Derangement Syndrome"). Originally Posted by timpage
Ain't it funny how they never want the adage "if you repeat a lie often enough...." to be applied to them?
Well, at least you were right about one thing - Bush didn't give anyone any reason to have hope.

And you could just as easily change the last line of his post to:

So the Age of the Tea Party has brought the percentage who think America’s best days are still ahead down from 45% to 31%, while the number who think our best days are gone has risen from 37% to 52%. Great work, Tea Party numbskulls. This is your true legacy: hopelessness. Originally Posted by Doove
Yeah but what's worse than Bush not giving any promises of hope is Obama basing his whole campaign on the illusion of hope sort of reminds me of a used car salesman passing off a piece of shit as some sort of stellar road machine all ya end up getting is buyers remorse.
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  • Doove
  • 10-21-2013, 04:09 AM
Yeah but what's worse than Bush not giving any promises of hope is Obama basing his whole campaign on the illusion of hope sort of reminds me of a used car salesman passing off a piece of shit as some sort of stellar road machine all ya end up getting is buyers remorse. Originally Posted by acp5762
And what's even worse than that is when an entire political party has no qualms about making everyone around them as miserable as they are. In fact, they pride themselves on it.
And what's even worse than that is when an entire political party has no qualms about making everyone around them as miserable as they are. In fact, they pride themselves on it. Originally Posted by Doove
Are you miserable? I am not but, Iam concerned about the future of our country.